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No, ur not wrong. Husband needs to realize how much it will effect your future. I am pretty sure my husband would not be giving his Mom 100k if he felt it would effect me in the future. Everything he has done financially is to protect me. Maybe your husband needs to talk to a CPA. He can show him why giving Mom the money would be detrimental to your future.

I would not even attempt to do this in this financial climate. You are probably 45 to 50 yrs old. I agree, that at Moms age this gives her the opportunity to downsize. Life changes and this is a change she needs to except. When she rented, she had to be aware that the house may sell someday. I agree, if she owns it, who is going to do the upkeep?

If I were to go into this agreement it would be with eyes opened wide. If I bought the house, I would be owner, I would be on the deed with no one else. Mom would continue paying me rent to offset the cost to me. So would sister as long as she is living there. She needs to get a job. If she is a teacher, pretty sure she could substitute. I have a friend that subs almost every day somewhere in our school system. One reason I would do this is because of Medicaid. If Mom needs Medicaid at some point for her care, better a house is not in the picture. My Moms became an Albatross around my neck. Things would have been so much better if her SS had been going for her care in an AL and not into the house.
And a contract or lease (written up by a lawyer) spelling out to Mom and sister what they need to pay in rent and their responsibilities concerning upkeep. Sister is living there, she can mow the lawn. But then, I would not be buying a house for Mom.

P.S. that CPA, maybe he needs to sit down with Mom and show her how, if the house goes in her name, what she will be expected to pay now she owns a house. Rent was probably based on a mortgage based on a house bought years ago or it was paid off. Her payments may be higher and she is responsible for everything. Taxes for one. She needs to understand what she is asking of her son. What Mom wants and what she can have are two different things.
Helpful Answer (8)

TXliving75, "investment properties" are a different ballgame compared to a home that you actually live in.

For one, the mortgage will be a investment loan.... higher down-payments.... higher interest rates. Reason the rates are higher is because investment property is a risk. Don't forget about closing costs, pro-rated taxes, other taxes, title insurance, home insurance, etc.

Second, said property would need to be declared on your income tax under Profit & Loss. No rental income to cover expenses, yet hubby is paying property taxes and other declared expenses.

Third, expenses. Does hubby have deep pocket to pay for those maintenance things that show up out of the blue? How old is the roof? If it is 25 years old, time for a new one. How old are the appliances? I had one rental property where 3 appliances all broke down in one month, I replaced them with new ones. Is the plumbing in good working order? Has the property been tested for radon? How old are the windows?

Is hubby ready for midnight panic calls that something isn't working in the house? Is he handy when it comes to fixing things? If yes, great. If not, money out of pocket.

So much to think about.
Helpful Answer (6)
Becky04469 Nov 2022
MIL has lived in the house for 20 years. Lots of things could go wrong.
It's not an investment if you have to borrow money it's additional debt. Refuse to sign the refinance papers. There are potentially problems if your SIL doesn't get a job. Refuse to let your MIL's name be on the deed. You don't want to risk her willing the house to her daughter.
Helpful Answer (9)

Lots of good answers here, so please keep us posted, OP! I hope hope hope you can get out of this.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sinxe you and your husband have to borrow against your own house, then you two can't afford to buy the rental house and have a bigger mortgagee. So many things on the down side, in addition to taking higher financial risks.

Even if he wants to buy the house as an investment, he should never borrow money to invest. That's a big no no. Would he borrow $100K and put that in stocks? Of course not. So why borrow money to invest in a house while the housing market is on its way down.

Have him call Dave Ramsey radio show and ask. Dave Ramsey is the most popular financial advisor on the radio. And he's got common sense.

Here are a few big things on the down side:
--$100,000 more in debt
--be in debt for ___more years.
--$500 more in monthly mortgage payment.
--$___ more in real estate taxes.
--$___ more in repairs and maintenance.
--What if mom and sis stop pay rent? He can't kick them out. What then? Lose more money every month.
--If you and your husband lose your jobs for whatever reason, you will risk losing both houses.

And the non money issues:
--Mom and sis calling any time, day and night, for drain clogs, roof leaks, electrical problems, etc.
--More responsibilities and headaches and less free time for your own family.
--More resentment towards mom.and sis for putting the extra burden on you and your husband.
--May ruin the relationship with mom and sis.

My personal policy: I don't do business with family and friends.That's the recipe to lose both money and relationships.
Helpful Answer (18)

..."property mgmt company wants to sell it..."

My son is currently renting from a property mgmt company with the option to buy and I can tell you they are most likely charging higher rates than a mortgage company for that house and selling at an inflated value. They're looking to dump the house because the real estate market has tanked.

And you have to refinance your house to buy another house?

What is the worst-case scenario if you don't ever get any rent out of your MIL and SIL? And the house value drops? Can you and DH withstand this extra burden and/or loss? Would it be worth it? Real estate is only a good investment if you have a good lending rate and you buy right. Maybe consider having a financial advisor give him a professional, objective answer, based on knowledge and experience, and not on emotions and feeling sorry for/pressured by his family members? His Mom is making a foolish decision to plant her flag in this house. 100% emotional decision. 0% wisdom. I'd say it's a real hard NO.
Helpful Answer (12)

Mixing money with family can be a horror-show nightmare, regardless of good intentions. To avoid such, I would want a very CLEAR picture of what this is.

ie Would this be an INVESTMENT or a GIFT? Or is DH's aim to HELP?

IF you wanted an investment, would an investment property be your choice?

If so, is the property in question a good choice?

Would you be able to charge market rent (or close to)? Get a decent return?

If no, then refinancing to fund Mom's housing (+? SIL) would not be a solution that is financially suitable for ALL of you. It would be more like a GIFT to Mom (+? SIL).

If you can afford such a generous gift & both agree to give it - go forth & do so. With no further agenda.

However, if this is not a GIFT. Stop now & really evaluate.

There may be other ways to HELP Mom besides footing the bill. Locating specific housing advice for older women could be one.
Helpful Answer (7)

Would the house be in your name?
If it would be in anyone else's name...big time NO.
If you and your husband would be the only owners. Then it could be an investment.
Helpful Answer (6)

You’re right. Don’t! What happens if sister-in-law continues to live there, doesn’t maintain employment or maybe she does, and the house is in mom’s name? She wills the house to sister-in-law and you’re out $100,000? What if sister-in-law is in a house that YOU own and mom dies and you want SIL to leave but she won’t? Look
up eviction laws in your state because if you want her out and she won’t budge, you’ve got an expensive legal mess. If SIL isn’t living with mom, who maintains the property? You? What if you and husband divorce? Or he dies? The $100,000 is a marital debt that you, my dear, will be responsible to pay. MIL should take care of her own self. She seems to be yet another elder who didn’t plan well for her old age, and you don’t need to take on a debt on her behalf. Be firm and vote no.
Helpful Answer (9)
sp19690 Nov 2022
Darn right to all of this. Not to mention sister has been unemployed since June cause she is working on a certificate for some job. What's next they pay the MIL and sisters utility bills and buy them food?
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Your husband is a moron. You will be paying for mom and sister to live there for free. Queue the temper tantrums and pouting and guilt trips from hubby when you insist you dont want to do this.
Helpful Answer (1)

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This is a financial decision, and the answer lies in the details of you and your husband's financial situation. This includes your ages, salaries, assets, debt load, job security and where your kids are in terms of relying on you for support for education. It also has to do with whether buying this home is a good used of your funds as an investment; borrowing to invest CAN be a wise move for folks who are financially secure when interest rates are low.

From a caregiving perspective, how is MiL's health? Is she still COMPLETELY independent and able to manage housecleaning, snow and leaf removal (either herself or able to afford to pay to have it done)?

What home maintenance tasks were previously done by management company that will now be on her, or on your husband to perform?

Will you and husband buy the home and rent it to MiL?

Is he being guilted/manipulated into this decision? Read up on F.O.G--Fear, Obligation and Guilt.
Helpful Answer (11)

This sounds like disaster written all over it. Does he really want to be your mom's landlord? How close is it to you? Is she going to pay rent? Which you'll probably have to claim as income?

At 74, I think moving into a senior apartment is probably a better plan. She won't be able to take care of everything it takes to take care of a house, a driveway, etc. etc. If she got into a sliding scale apartment where you pay what you can afford, she could stop working (unless she really wants to work!).
Helpful Answer (11)

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