
My grandma has declined quite a bit in the last 10 years, she is now in her early 80s. She has arthritis as well as Addison's disease and has been in and out of the hospital the last couple years. She is currently living with her husband but has recently stopped eating. None of us know what to do. It seems like she is giving up on living basically. Any advice is so so appreciated. Thank you so much!

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I kind of agree with , SP1969 . I would probably try to talk her into one or 2 doctors appointments but if she refuses I'd let it go.

Older people can get by for a long time with little food.

I just want to add in case a doctor mentions feeding tubes, that is uncomfortable, painful and pretty much inhumane to someone your grandmas age and health.

Have you tried to get her to drink insure, or boost, they would be really good for her.

It sounds like Grandma is just plan tired. Best of luck, in this horrible hard journey
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Leave grandma alone. I don't recommend shuffling her to doctors. Maybe she's tired of being in pain with the arthritis or just tired of life in general.
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You can make an appointment with her endocrinologist or PCP to check her adrenal glands out. Symptoms of Addisons Disease being in decline are weight loss, no appetite and depression.

Best of luck to you.
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