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Are his legs/feet swollen? Does he snore? It could be sleep apnea waking him. When he wakes to go to the bathroom, does he drink water?

A urologist can give him a simple sonogram test to show if he is not emptying his bladder completely.

If this is new behavior, have him checked for UTI.

When he sits have him elevate his feet which might help him void more often during the day.

As always, remember salt causes the body to hold onto fluid so be sure to read labels, avoid salty snacks and use substitute salt in shakers or remove shakers. If you cook with less and less salt, you both will become accustomed to less salt. Use a variety of healthier spices to enhance flavors.

My DH aunt went through a spell in her dementia where she would take off the lid of the salt shaker and pour salt on her food.

Here is an article on how salt causes nocturia.

“The need to pee at night (nocturia) – which affects most people over the age of 60 – is related to the amount of salt in your diet, according to new research presented at the European Society of Urology congress in London.”,in%20the%20diet%20was%20reduced.

Let us know if you find a way to help him. We learn from one another.
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This is very common with men after a certain age.

You need to talk to his doctor, there are simpl resolution for some .

We recently switched sides of the bed so my husband is closer to the bathroom.

Also try to get him to make sure he empties his bladder completely. He may not be.

Best of luck
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When we lie down, the bladder flattens out and creates the need to urinate more frequently, especially as we age. That's what the urologist told my father when he was 91 and up all night. Take DH to a urologist to see what's recommended in the way of a catheter, or move to the spare bedroom. You need quality sleep yourself!
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Mjiotti Jul 21, 2024
Thank you... I am a nurse and he doesn't drink after 7 pm, takes flowmax...!I work 3 night shifts and I hate going back home knowing full well he will be up every 1-2 hours to use the commode. I have a baby monitor in his room but I am hyper vigilant every night when he wakes up so he doesn't fall. He doesn't have a UTI. He goes all day only urinating maybe 2 times before bedtime
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