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Hi Astrid - I just read your last sound like a strong, clear-headed and smart person. I totally understand how sometimes life happens, and over time, we find ourselves in situations that we never imagined - and sometimes these are the most defining moments of our lives where we need to take the reins and redirect our life path for a better outcome. It sounds like you're at that pivotal point where some type of change needs to happen - you cannot go on like this, and the realization of that should fuel you to put a plan of action in place - and visualize what your next steps should be. Whenever I've had to make major changes in my life, that's basically how it all began for me.

You've received very constructive and great advice from many on this post - I hope this helped you to take a step back, and assess your situation from an objective and constructive viewpoint. So, based on all that you've read and learned, my suggestion is for you to literally write down a plan and the steps so it's not overwhelming and it's more effective in accomplishing - and the time line.

What do you feel are the steps that you'd like to put into motion - and the time frame? By the way, we're all virtually cheering you on on the sidelines and wishing you all the very best!!
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Reply to Hopeforhelp22

I just wanted to give you all an update. So things really hit the fan and I am trying to pick up the pieces. The stress became too much and my partner ended up cheating on me once and telling me he leaving to just come home and then do it again! The real kicker is he left his mom here with me and the kids and she is the worst as ever. She won’t even let me get my own mail now since he has gone and she holds all of his mail in the room like I am going to steal it and she hasn’t said two words to me and he barely even can face me or talk to me. This is a horrible situation. Luckily I am personally going to be receiving a small amount of money soon enough to get established with the kids and I have been currently still working on school but trying to find employment. Thank you all for your answers i appreciate you all very much
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Astridmm22
waytomisery Sep 3, 2024
I’m so sorry . I hope you have a divorce attorney to help protect yourself and get what is due you and child support .
See 2 more replies
Retain a good divorce lawyer. He and his mother deserve each other. Consider yourself lucky to be able to get yourself out of this toxic mess.

Wishing you strength to endure this. It will be hard but you will come through it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Hothouseflower

Go online to and see if you can have your mail go to a PO box that only you can access.

May you receive clarity, wisdom, courage, strength and peace in your heart on this life-changing journey.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

I’m sorry to hear your update. No one deserves such treatment. Have your mail sent to the address of a trusted friend or a P.O. Box you rent. Wishing you well on getting out of this toxic environment very soon
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Astrid, this has turned into something for a divorce lawyer to deal with, particularly to sort out the money and who owns the assets (eg the house). It would be a good idea to see one ASAP, just to make sure that you don’t do something that will bounce back and hurt you. Best wishes, Margaret
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

When I here someone say, " I'm so confused". That one statement makes me think, you are living with a bunch of narcissistic and your being gaslighted.

If I'm with someone and I start to feel unstable, that means I'm being gaslighted.

I left my family for ten years, was happy, then go back to my family, and I feel unstable again.

The issue is not me, the issue is my family is a bunch of crazy making narssasist.

Some things just can't be fixed I'm sorry. I think first thing you should do is find a good therapist.

Improve your self easteem, realize you deserve better.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Sep 4, 2024
Sorry I didn't see the update, before I wrote this. I think it still works though.
Hi Astrid,

This new occurrence (of your slimy husband cheating) will catapult you to a better new life without him. It's a lot to deal with in the moment, but do all that you can to strengthen yourself and use that energy to move forward.

You can do it - you sound very strong...and when all of this is behind you, you WILL be empowered and freed - from this toxic situation. Consider yourself fortunate that you didn't waste any more time...there are better days in front of you!

Success is the best revenge - and I'm wishing you a very successful and happy new life ahead of you!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Hopeforhelp22

Astrid, I hope you have an excellent divorce attorney, and wish you lots of luck. Sorry to hear your update. Looks like the hubby is twice as wicked as his Mom. Peas in the pod.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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