
I live in St Charles Co Out side of St Louis Mo. So Worried!!

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I am not sure about positive Co-V2 residents but just last night my SIL texted my hubby to tell him she was notified by their mother’s MC center that a staff member tested positive for the virus.
But I’m inclined to believe the poster who stated “yes” that families are entitled to be told.
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I'm at loss with words in these last few days, I can't give an advice because I don't have one, but I'm thinking of all of you and feel your pain and worry as it was mine.
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I'm in GA and my brother (he's the emergency contact) got a letter just this week saying that a former patient had tested positive for COVID19. LAST week he got notified that my mom was being moved to a different hall because the nursing home was accepting patients for rehab from the local hospital and they were going to be quarantined on the very back hall (where my mom had a room). We don't know if this was someone who was there for rehab and left, or whether they died.
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We're in Upstate New York and I was told by my Mom's nursing home that they are required to notify family members if someone tests positive in the facility. My concern is that there are so few tests being done in our County, would they even know? I received a call three days ago that my Mom's roommate passed away and it seemed very sudden to me. I don't know what she died from and I don't believe they tested her. It is a constant worry!
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I don’t know if there was enough time for legal steps to be taken when this horror erupted, but My LO’s two POAs were notified when my LO was tested, and also both of us were notified of the test results.

In my LO’s case, there were symptoms, but all of the residents on her floor were tested at the same time.

I’m very anxious, especially because she’s in a locked down unit, but I know that my worry can’t help her, although I wish with all my heart it could.
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