
Hi everyone,

My mom is 72. She has been having financial issues for many years. Lived with my family and I (husband and two boys) a while back in her 60s and it was very difficult. Then, she was able to move into an apartment for a while. Later, she lost her job (close to retirement anyway) and couldn’t afford anything on her own. We had bought a much larger home in the meantime. No MIL suite, however, There were very little options for us aside from her moving in with my husband and two kids again. (There was a 3-year wait list for low-income housing.) So, she’s here and pays us rent monthly (a good amount I must add, but way less than she’d pay in an apartment.) However, some things are off-putting and one of the things was she came into our home with the rule that she refused to cook. I’m a homeschooling mom and my husband works a corporate job. We are both extremely busy, while my mom, now retired (because of us providing a home for her), does nothing all day. We included her in our dinners and finally got her to cook or at least provide dinners one day a week, but this setup has always bothered me. I do believe there are some narcissistic tendencies there and this is part of it. Her reasoning is that she hates cooking and all these years of cooking and she’s done with it, that I have to cook for my family anyway, so …? I feel it’s selfish and terribly unfair. She said she’ll clean after dinner (as we all pitch in on that as well.) Does this sound like narcissism to you? Just seeking validation because any time I bring it up, she gets annoyed and can’t have a normal conversation. It’s like talking to a 2-year-old. I’m at the point of saying no more dinners with us. She’ll have to provide for herself.

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My grandmother is the same way, she doesn’t pay rent though (she has offered) I find it’s extremely frustrating to live with someone who doesn’t offer to pitch in and uses your space as a “retirement home” I see the points from other commenters and I totally agree that she shouldn’t have to pitch in but all I will say is that I feel your frustration because our family is extremely stretched thin with work and busy lives. I am 19. When my parents leave for the weekend I have to feed my grandmother who is capable of cooking but she refuses to. It makes me feel like she expects to be served by us and I don’t agree with it because we have allowed her to live with us after nobody else was able to take her in. I do not resent my grandmother by any means but I feel like she’s using us in a way and it hurts to see the frustration my mother goes through when her mom refuses to get hearing aids, refuses to be tested for any sort of mental illness which appears to be prominent, and sits around and has my mom do everything for her at all times of the day while she has to take care of me and my sibling. I know how you feel from a slightly different perspective. You feel stuck, you feel used, but you feel obligated to let her stay because she’s family but you just wish she could have some appreciation for the things you’ve been doing and physically help out. I totally understand and share your frustration. From the grandchild’s pov by the way - I also am starting to feel very left out because my mom (ever since my grandma moved in) has started to centre her life around caring for my grandma. I don’t want to discuss it with her because she should look after her mom, but I’ll only be around for so long before I’m done university and move out on my own. I think you should try and talk to your mom and the rest of your family and consider having her move to a place where she could have meals provided such as a retirement home where you could visit her without the obligations of caring for her. This is what I wish my mom would do, just my opinion. Goodluck :)
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My father had ALZ from 2015 and passed in 2017. Before he passed, momma was dx with Vascular Dementia. I have been 24/7 caregiver for both of them. My mother was your mom's age and needed full bathing and toileting care as well as daddy. You do not realize how lucky you are. You will regret this pettiness when she passes. I would take that deal and run! :D
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PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
She doesn’t want to have her mom live with her but made a mistake in taking her in. That’s her only mistake, that can only be remedied by moving mom long before this happens.
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Nursing Diagnosis: Caregiver Burnout

You are the one needing care now.

Take some deep breaths, and get yourself a break.

What do you like to do for yourself?
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What does OP mean?
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PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
Original poster
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I would have her do other chores. I personally would be happy to cook and make a mess in the kitchen if someone else cleaned it up. You could try some of those food delivery companies where you just have to put the food in the oven-to give you a break. Have her provide one meal a week-purchase or cooking it. When I cook, I make enough to freeze it (soups, lasagna, stews, etc.). I can then pull it when I don’t feel like cooking. Have pizza one night a week, burgers or frozen dinners another. Hire someone to do deep cleaning once a month. Teach your children how to cook. Look for all things to help with your duties so you can help streamline your life. My Mother would say the same thing to me. I hope you get some help to minimize all you have to do. Take your vacations with your husband and children. She will have to figure her meals out. The more you do for capable family (or friends) the more they will expect it.
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I am 75, over the cooking thing and the mess to clean up after the "Big 15 minute Event".

My opinion as long as she is contributing something to keep the household running what difference does it make?
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I hate to cook also, my sweet hubby did it until his Alzheimer's disease stopped that. Now I have to cook and we are eating out a lot.

Instead of waiting for an apartment, why not look for a room to rent that has kitchen privileges? I did a quick search of several towns and they seem to start from $500.00 on up. That way both of you could be happy. Keep her on the low income lists however.
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She hates to cook. Some people hate to mow and hire a gardner, hate to clean and hire a housekeeper. Although, in her case she said she is willing to clean up after the meal. HIring someone to cook everyday would be a little too costly, so maybe there is a happy middle of the road.

Why not involve her to work in the kitchen while you cook. As you go, she can start the cleaning process. At the end of the meal, everyone take their plate to the kitchen (this should be taught to everyone all the time anyway). Mom can finish up all the kitchen duties when she is done eating. It was her suggestion/offer - try it.

As for other tasks, there's no reason she can't help out with things during the day. No one should be sitting around all day - especially at her age. The more she sits now, the more likely she will only be able to sit later on and reduce ability to walk. Ask her for help. Ask her to remember when she worked all day long and had to manage chores after work hours. Be specific with some tasks - do a load of laundry each day and fold it ---- everyone puts their own stuff away. Maybe run the vacuum (if noise won't bother anyone working from home). Maybe mix up a meatloaf and peel some potatoes after lunch and put in the frig -- you'll pop in the oven when it's time to start supper.

There's no way I'd tell my mom she couldn't eat with us. There's bound to be some chores to swap out so you get her moving and get some help out of the deal
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Peace2019: Quite honestly, since she's come into this dynamic with the statement or "rule that she refused to cook," there may be little hope of her changing her ways. Good luck.
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Becky04489 Apr 2022
I don't think the OP can change things now. She let her move in knowing that she didn't want to cook.
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Meals on Wheels? They are wonderful!
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Llamalover47 Apr 2022
Sara1959: My late mother initially thought MOW was the best thing since sliced bread, but they soon became rather lack luster and I had to freeze those that she wasn't consuming.
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Maybe she is afraid/concerned about being around flame.

Do you want her to have something in the oven and have to use potholders to take it out? How about taking the food out when it is done?

How about if she is frying something on the stove? Maybe she could be concerned about getting splattered with grease.
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Sounds like OP is dealing with resentments hanging on from childhood. She tried to be a loving, caring daughter. She offered what seemed a fair bargain, but when she came right down to it, her heart just wasn't in it. Her mother hasn't met her expectations. And it's wearing on her.
She probably felt she didn't meet her mother's expectations, either, when she was a child at home. And there is a resentment that she can't shake.

But that was then. This is now. I'm no psychologist (but I'm older than either OP or her mother).
OP can't accept the possibility that her mother is not the able adult she used to be (and it will not improve). People don't have to be eighty to suffer some senior disabilities unrecognized by younger people.

Helping Mom find a moderately priced independent living apartment, where she won't have to cook may be an answer. She will still have to take care of herself with laundry and some light housekeeping. OP and husband may have to make a small financial contribution, but it could be worth it. They will not have to do much for Mom on a day to day basis. They can concentrate on their children and their own plans.
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You might not like my answer, but this doesn’t sound so awful to me. If she’s willing to clean up every night and provide dinner once a week it’s a deal I would probably take. I should mention that at our house, adults are responsible for their own breakfast and lunch (hubby and I are retired).

Of course, I don’t really want my mom to move in with us for other reasons. Maybe you are focusing on the meal situation when it’s actually her living with you in general that you’re not comfortable with?
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Maybe your mom is just not capable of cooking. And maybe its truly not safe. You wouldn’t want her to burn your house down.

Maybe you can find her another task for her that will lessen your load. Or use some of the money and hire help of some kind around the house.

Perhaps you could start using some of the money she pays you and get meals delivered or just go out.

Its very hard to have someone live with your family even under the best circumstances, it’s just different.

Good luck to you.
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I am not a medical professional, but I have had over 40 years of living with a narcissist and I can clearly state that from your description of your mother she is not a narcissist. Perhaps she is suffering from depression because of her losing her job and not being able to afford to pay for an apartment. At 72, she is still young and has the ability (from what you described) to help prepare meals, and she should pitch in and help out in this area. However, I surmised because she has spent many, many years preparing meals she is burnt out doing this, which is quite understandable.

The answer to your question is to move your mother into her own apartment so there won’t be any conflict between the two of you. I live in New Jersey and I know 100% that there are many, many opportunities for low-, very low- and middle-income apartments available as I write this post. There are also many senior apartments that are being built as of the writing of this post. The secret of getting to rent one of them is to apply ASAP and get your name on the list. There is a link on the state website where people can find these apartments. You can add your name to the list to be notified when any apartment becomes available and you need to act quickly when they notify you of availability.

Wishing you good luck in finding an apartment for your mother ASAP, which will be the solution for this problem with your mother.
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This question isn't really about cooking. It's about taking her Mom into her home that she doesn't want. The OP just wants validation from the "peanut gallery" that she's the big hearted daughter. The OP needs to get her Mom signed up for housing assistance and moved out. Or maybe she hasn't done that because of the good rent that her Mom pays.
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Talk with your mon about other options - for example she may be willing to purchase meals and have them delivered, provide option for easy to cook meals, etc. You state she is providing one meal a week now so what more are you looking for? Take up her offer to do dishes, maybe set table as well. If she is able to pay good rent, does she qualify for low income housing? If so, go ahead and apply - you never know what might happen or when. As for being a narcissist, it doesn't sound like she is. but what difference does it make? Nothing will change and it's certainly not going to change anything even if accurate.
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I am grateful my mom doesn't cook, access to the stove is dangerous even with a minor amount of memory loss that comes with old age. My mom was cold once and turned on the burners to warm up the kitchen.
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Take a good long look at YOUR kids and remember this, "What goes around, comes around."
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PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
Unnecessary. She made a mistake in taking mom on that many of us did. Cooking is petty, but she doesn’t want the mom in her house no matter how perfect she acts.
Assisted Living sounds preferable to living in a home with someone who wants revenge on a dementia patient. Geesh, if we don't die young, we are in jeopardy of having to live with people who resent us for the time and money we need to endure the last chapter of our life. This forum has taught me to take care of ME and not worry about leaving any sort of inheritance..............I will place myself before ever becoming dependent on anyone else, especially family.
Helpful Answer (9)
PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
Oh, and what happens to childless or children ppl or ppl whose children died or split the country?

Good for you for not leaving any inheritance like the ops literally worthless mom, and not expecting to be taken in.
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What is really going on? You’re asking her to do a task she hates.

Ask her to set the table. Ask her to help load or unload the dishwasher. Or is she refusing to help with anything?
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I’m a retired mental health professional and concerned about the number of times I see difficult behavior classified as “narcissistic.” Often this is used to as a noun to label people who have annoying behaviors which are not new. (“He/She has always acted this way.”)
Labels do not help understand or deal with problems. It’s a lazy and ineffective way to describe relationships.
Mental health diagnoses can be weaponized - never a healthy way to seek solutions to very real and difficult problems.
Helpful Answer (6)
MJ1929 Apr 2022

Please repost this every time you see narcissism misused. It'll keep you busy, though. 😉
I am 75 and if I had to live with you, I would be VERY unhappy. You don't sound like you LOVE your mom. Get her on the 3 year wait list and in the meantime, GRIT YOUR TEETH and be grateful she is still alive. It sounds as if you had a VERY unhappy time with your mom growing up, because if you had had a good relationship, you would EASILY accept the fact that ALL you have to do when you fix food for your husband and children is to SET ANOTHER PLATE at the table. Period. This is not a dramatic crisis type of problem. She is willing to CLEAN UP afterward? To me, that is PRICELESS! I hate cleaning up. It sounds more like you want your family to yourself, MINUS your mom, period. So, every day remind yourself that in 3 years she'll be out and you CAN put up with it for three years.
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LoopyLoo Apr 2022
Wow. Must be hard to get oxygen with the high horse you’re riding.
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This is not narcissism. You said one of the rules when she moved in was that she would not have to cook. You let her move in under that rule and now you want to change it. This is like buyer's remorse on your part.
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I also hate to cook, so I never cook. Why should I waste time and energy cooking when there are plenty of healthy and nutritious things that I can purchase from the store?

Stock her up with plenty of pre-made salads, cooked chicken, and pre-cut fruits and vegetables. Find healthier versions of frozen foods.

If she is 72, why should she have to cook?
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karenchaya Apr 2022
Young people don't realize the problems that happen when older people cook. The other day, I began to burn myself while reaching for spices at the back of the stove while something was on the burner.
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I'm not getting the issue about cooking. Continue with how you worked dinner before she moved in. She said she doesn't want to cook. So that's one item you'll have to take on, you'd be doing it anyway or order out and she can contribute to the cost. She can pitch in for the added cost of including "her portion of the food" you'll be serving (she's already paying you to live there). OTOH, if you don't want her living with you, then you've got to confront that. She's not ancient, she's older, put her on the wait live for low-income housing, she'll be 75 by then.
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Your mom would probably qualify for Meals on Wheels, even though she lives with you. You should look into it.
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MJ1929 Apr 2022
I think she's looking for someone to take on her duties as cook for the household. Meals on Wheels would take away that argument.

I honestly laughed out loud when I first read the original post. How many of us raised kids virtually alone while our husbands with a corporate job traveled weeks out of every month? <Raising my hand here>

The myopic vision OP has about herself -- "I have a kind heart" -- when so many here have pointed out otherwise is really very sad. I, too, feel bad for her mother, because imagine having to live where you aren't wanted with a daily guilt trip being laid upon you by your self-proclaimed "kind-hearted" daughter.

Some self introspection and some discussions with a therapist over OP's issues of needing to control others and her environment is in order.
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Will you be waiting around when the will is read?
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LoopyLoo Apr 2022
Why do you ask, Chipmonk? I don’t think the mom will leave you anything. In the meantime you can move in and cook all of mom’s meals. Right?
Can she microwave her own meals? Most grocery stores have prepared meals of a protein + veggies.. SOOO many issues w/my NPD-Borderline-Dementia Mom (who I will never live with) but see weekly... Is your Mom's temperament good? Does she have any Dementia or Mental Illness? Your fam can fend for themselves.. Right?
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BurntCaregiver Apr 2022

Let me ask you a question. If you lived in a house with your family how would you feel if they all sat down to a home-cooked communal meal but they expected you to microwave a prepared meal and eat alone?
I think that would be a pretty lousy thing to do to a person. I have a strained relationship with my mother and this has been so since I was a little kid. I am a person with zero tolerance for any senior games or BS.
I would never sit down to a meal with the family and expect my mother to eat a microwaved meal by herself away from all of us.
Sometimes it gets to a point where an elder has to dine alone. Usually this is because they either have to be spoon-fed by someone else, feeding themselves is often too disgusting for others watch when they trying to eat a meal themselves. Totally understandable.
The OP's mother does not need someone to spoon-feed her and she is still capable of eating decently and being part of a shared family meal.

You clearly don't want your mother living with you. I totally understand that and it's totally fine. She shouldn't be living with you if it isn't working out.
You ask if your mother sounds narcissistic. Based on what you're saying, it would seem like you're the one with narcissistic tendencies. Your mother was honest and up front with you about not cooking. You moved her in anyway. She pays you rent and she also helps with the cleaning up. What more do you expect from a old woman?
Get her on one of those waiting lists for low-income housing. Get her on some for senior housing too. They base the rent on a person's income too. I think your wait will be less than three years if you put her name in enough of these places.
Your mother will be better off in a senior community as well.
Helpful Answer (11)
Becky04489 Apr 2022
Good answer. The OP has the narcissistic bent. Most HUD housing projects would move Mom up on the wait lists if the daughter tells them she wants her mother out of the house.
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