My mother is in skilled nursing with Parkinson's and now dementia. She has hallucinations or ideas that alternately sadden and / or terrify her. Lately, she has begun wailing, crying, and screaming. Thankfully, she is small and weak because she is also often combative. This goes on for hours every day. The staff are wonderful, but it's hard on them. It's hard on the other residents, and I know it's hard on my mom!
I have a camera in her room, and can see all of this, but am powerless to do anything. Even if I could go there, I could do nothing.
The worst (?) part is that after my mother retired, she went to this same nursing home every week to visit people, and when I went with her she made me promise that I would never let her get "like this." (Like the people who behave like the she is behaving now!)
What would you do?
Wishing you the best of luck in getting help for your mom!~