
My Mother is in AL due to a left hip Fx. She is 86. We receive a phone call at night wanting me to come stay with her. Anyone have any suggestions on helping her calm down at bedtime? Thanks

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What do they tell you in these calls is happening with you mom at night?
This could be a staffing issue and sleeplessness with wandering in the rooms of other people or this could be expressions of fear at being alone in her room.

This is something you need to go in at the night shift, I think, to observe and to discuss with night care workers. Difficult to see from the little you say here EXACTLY what is happening.

I know you will already have thoughts in your head regarding medications, and how they can increase falls. Falls are so often the beginning of the end.
Just difficult to tell here if there is an overall anxiety happening that is considered OK and the norm during the day, or if this is particular to nighttime, and if so why so.

It also may help for you to actually go and spend the night for one night a week until you can pinpoint what's up. Then discuss options with MD. There may be a medication to try, even a mild anti-depressant may work.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

That surely won't be sustainable.
I am thinking that Assisted Living may be the wrong choice here.
Is there any underlying dementia here?
I would worry about any anti-anxiety or sleeping meds due to the danger of a fall and complications for an already broken plan.
This could be sundowning. I wish I had an answer for you. I would speak with both her MD for some guidance here and with the administration as to level of care and if she should more appropriately be in SNF? MC?

I am so sorry. I wish I had more for you. I would be as lost as you are with this call.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Ask her doctor to give her an anxiety medication at bedtime.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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