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Something to discuss with her doctor. In some cases nothing does work.
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What will probably help the most is you understanding that your mothers brain is now forever broken and not take what she says or does personally. She can't help it.
There is no medication that will stop a foul mouth, but there are some out there that do help with agitation. Perhaps talk to her doctor about starting her on a low dose and see how it goes.
Aricept, in my opinion(and others)really doesn't do much for folks with dementia. While it may in some(and that's a low percentage)slow down the progression, I myself never understood trying to slow down the horrific disease of dementia, as there are no happy endings with it, only death.
If your mother has in fact been diagnoses with Alzheimer's and not one of the other dementias, she will more than likely over time lose her ability to speak at all, so be careful what you wish for.
Hang in there...this too shall pass.
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Ask her doctor for a different medication. All medications affect people differently. So if one does not work try another one.
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There are medications that can help with anger, agitation, anxiety.
Has she seen a doctor recently? Did you bring this up? Or is this a new symptom? If so and it came on suddenly you might want to have her checked for a UTI.
Is mom living alone? with you? or you with her? or is she in Memory Care?
A bit more info might help get better answers.
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