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Did the OP ever give a response?
Helpful Answer (1)
notrydoyoda Jan 2020
If you can't separate them (housing), call Protective Services.
Helpful Answer (1)
Mustlovedogs Feb 2020
Why would anyone call adult protection services. (APS). These crazy social workers have the power to destroy lives. They never help anyone. Stay far away from these creeps.
There isn't much information in a general statement of my mother is abusing my 90 year old father.
Helpful Answer (2)

I read your profile and still not entirely sure which set of parents you are referring to but the situation is pretty much the same. You MIL is properly stressed with her husband's illness; also, if she has been a "waited on Princess" for all these years she is probably furious at the blow life has dealt. If she is close in age to FIL, she may be battling her own demons. She should be evaluated by her GP asap. I'm curious as to how you found out she lets FIL lay on ground after he is fallen. Who told you; who witnessed this? Again if she is FIL's age, there is no way she is going to be able to get him up by herself - they could both end up on the floor! Sounds like it's time for some caregivers to be on site and if the family can't manage that, then seek assistance from the state's office on aging. Assistance is usually not free (what is, in today's world) but anything will be a help. If she is really abusive you can also consider calling Adult Protective Services although he may not confirm she is abusive. Good luck and keep the forum advised
Helpful Answer (1)

We have a headline here. Nothing else, just a very short blurb asking what can be done about a 90 year old man who's declining in health and being 'abused' by his wife. According to the OPs profile, this is her IN LAWS she is talking about; Merlin, the father in law.

From this headline, we've managed to gather that the FIL 'spoiled the MIL' and she's angry now that she has to care for him.

That the police should be called & the MIL should be 'put in jail.' Either that or the OP should bring them both home to live with her.........

That the MIL is overwhelmed & therefore, filled with angst.

And on and on.

With no further response from the OP or clarification since 1/22.

MIL is a bully and FIL has accepted that treatment for their entire marriage, for some reason we're all unaware of.

Wishing the OP the best of luck figuring out how to change a situation that's gone on for decades.
Helpful Answer (6)

Is she your father's primary caregiver? If she is, perhaps she is burnt out or overwhelmed by the demands of caregiving. What type of abuse emotional or physical? It seems to me that it is time to bring in an outside caregiver for your father if they have the means. I would also contact your area agency on aging for assistance if resources are needed. If he is able to leave the home Adult day care may be an option. The day care 9ffers a variety of services including assistance with ADL's meals,physician services,transportation,etc. A family meeting regarding caregiving may be helpful as perhaps you all could give some time for him thus allowing her a break. In any event, this situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Helpful Answer (1)

I was puzzled as well. Are we talking about in-laws or OP's own parents?
Helpful Answer (0)

This is my opinion, we all have them like we all have noses.
My step-father was diagnosed with Alzheimers/dementia in 2012. He is a loving, gentle, quiet, and God loving man. My Mother would call me (I live out of State for over 20 yrs now) even though I have 2 sisters back home and a brother in another State (living there as long as we have out of State), but Mom and I were ALWAYS close so I hot the calls.
Mom would constantly tell me how frustrated she was with my stepfather forgetting to do things (he was always busy) or asking her over and over what she had wanted him to do. When our daughter still lived back home attending college, she would have lunch with them the days she had classes as the college she was attending was just a few miles from her Grandma. Daughter would tell me that my stepfather would drive to a store or burger place (all close to their house) come back and ask where he was suppose to go. Mom would have to start writing it ALL down for him.
THEN THINGS STARTED TO CHANGE FOR MOM! Mom was diagnosed in 2016/2017. I found out Dec 2017 when I received a text from sister Mom was in the hospital.
Now, SUNDOWNERS comes into play. My stepfather was not effected until later in the day around 9:00pm. Mom would become really upset and constantly yell and become EXTREMELY UPSET with him.
Mom on the other hand, would sleep during the day and stay up all night, so stepfather would go to bed around 10:00.
Now, they are both in assisted living. Alzheimers effects the minds totally different like snow flakes, no 2 are alike.
Mom doesn't speak any longer. Stepfather becomes so angry he has threatened other residents and caregivers no matter if the person is female/male.
Take your Mother to her GP for the simple verbal questioning test to start evaluating. The 1st question is giving her a word to remember, then she will be asked other questions as well as writing sentences only she comes up with and to copy things such as a square on her own. At the end, the doctor will evaluate the test results. Your Mom may be suffering from the type of Alzheimers that makes her very angry.
My Mom/stepfather completely flipped from their past personalities so now they have become what the other was.
I was SHOCKED when my siblings FINALLY 'allowed' me to participate regarding Mom (long story). Mom is 100% my responsibility now EVEN though I live out of State. Everything dealing with Mom, property, medical, etc. I drive home and spend no less than a week to take care of her property as well as spending a whole day at the facility to watch both of them, keep a diary, and talk with caregivers in depth. It's my responsibility and accountable to the Court every year.
Please, have your Mom tested for Alzheimers and/or dementia. These mental conditions can happen as early as the age of 50 or younger.
Helpful Answer (5)

I am honestly surprised and not surprised at the answers here. Seems like a lot of you have assumed the wife is a spring chicken with all her mental faculties & who should be thrown in jail.
why isn’t anyone questioning how he was forced to lay on the floor if there were other people present? Why was it solely her responsibility to get him up? Could they have not helped him up or called 911? The man is 90 and likely his wife is that age too and from the sounds of it is experiencing cognitive decline or burn out from being an elder taking care of an elder!

Also her post says this is about her parents/90 year old dad. Her profile talks about her 87 year old in-laws.....
Helpful Answer (7)

I think Samsung offers insight as well.   The wife may be completely overwhelmed.   (Many of us have been there and know that realm well.)

How much help is she getting from the family?   Are you/they providing respite for her?   Meals?   Transportation?  

That's something to discuss as you contemplate calling in agency reinforcements.  

It's easy to judge someone from a distance, but we also don't have the benefit of knowing more about the family dynamics.    A woman in her situation needs support.
Helpful Answer (4)

Many thanks to CountryMouse for the Michigan information, which prompted me to read KSB's profile, something I often forget to do.    CM, your reference prompted me to remember sources I might otherwise would not have remembered.

KSB, Michigan has options for you:

1.    Perhaps the best choice is the Elder Justice League, which apparently includes in its mandate "elder abuse".    Under the "Mission Statement" section are other agencies that might be contacted, but I would start with the MEJL first.

a.      517.827.8010
b. (extensive, and I mean extensive, list of tips, contacts and more)

2.   Elder Law of Michigan, which appears to address the elder abuse issue but focuses also on providing legal advice; in the past it's been free to qualified callers.  I've gotten very good advice from them, on subjects unrelated to caregiving but arising from my own issues.

3.   Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services, including elder abuse:,5885,7-339-73971_7119-15663--,00.html


4,   Ingham County, Michigan Elder Law Legal Aid & Pro Bono Services

5.   Elder Law Abuse Task Force, newspaper article.

You'd probably have best luck contacting the Attorney General's office of Michigan for contact info for this Task Force.

With multiple family members, I'd suggest that several of you make calls, TODAY.   You'll probably get responses more quickly with multiple relatives reporting abuse.

Forcing your FIL to remain on the floor after falling would be to me a top priority concern.  He could be injured, not getting treatment, and that could complicate his recovery. 

In addition, older people cool more quickly; even inside the home, an older person might become chilled more quickly, complicating whatever other issues might arise from a fall.

Call today and please let us know what action is being taken.
Helpful Answer (3)

It's obvious she is overwhelmed and her angst is her only way of coping. It's possible she has always been like this with him, behind closed doors. First thing you can do is tell her to stop. Next is to hire an outside aide or look for AL. I doubt this will get better if nothing is done.
Helpful Answer (2)

Need more information old is your mom and what is her health situation?  Abusing him how?  If your mother is 90 as well, she can't possibly keep up with her own needs and the needs of a sickly 90 yr old husband.  Odd are they both need help.  More info please
Helpful Answer (4)
notrydoyoda Jan 2020
Click on their name and read the profile.
This sounds like it needs to be dealt with now. Call adult protective services today. It's impossible to have any fight left in you when you are being abused.
Helpful Answer (6)
Llamalover47 Jan 2020
NoTryDoYoda: You're 100% right.
See 1 more reply
It sounds as though your MIL can't begin to cope with your FIL's needs, and instead of seeking help (through pride or shame or fear of the unknown, who knows) she is taking it out on him. It's horrible, and terribly sad.

I think the thing to do is investigate what support services they might be eligible for that are relevant to them and might take some of the stress out of the situation. Anything that brings trained professionals to the house is a start, at least.

I did a bit of Googling and found this page:,5885,7-339-71547_2943_4857---,00.html

but it seems to be a bit out of date? Not sure. Anyway, I would start with your state's or county's elder services and take advice from them. Aim to support your MIL and put a stop to her venting that way; but if nothing happens fast enough, then you'll need to bring in APS. Bear in mind that she is ill and this is not about blame - it's about preventing further abuse/neglect by tackling the root of the problem.
Helpful Answer (5)

We had that situation with my PIL who live in Hawaii while we live in Florida. Both had dementia but FIL was worse. MIL was taking care of them both - in their late 80's/early 90's. She wouldn't give either of them enough food or fluids. My BIL discovered the situation and didn't adequately address the problems. I reported it to APS but MIL was high functioning enough when they visited and didn't intervene. FIL passed away in a couple of months from dehydration and malnutrition.

Either take him home with you, get him into a residential facility, or call the police to arrest her. To know about abuse and do nothing, makes you complicit in it. Get him (and her) cared for.
Helpful Answer (5)

I thought my mother was being selfish and abusing my father with neglect and periodic abandonment, near the end of his life. I lived 2 hours away, but thought I was visiting enough to know what was happening.
As it turns out, my Dad was old school. Despite having the money to hire help to care for him, or select a lovely supportive facility... my Dad thought his wife should return a lifetime of "financial support" by being his caretaker 7 day a week 24 hour. As another writer asked, who is caring for your Dad? How much care does your Dad need? If it is more than what can be reasonably expected from an aging spouse - the problem may not be a clear cut case of abuse.
I do not understand why, but those in their 80/90s and passing now are unwilling to use their financial resources, or to accept any kind of outside help. They expect to stay in their homes, and be taken care of by their spouse and family. This is regardless of how much care they need, or what others need.
I imagine my father (and mother) would say, that is the way they grew up. That family took care of the elderly. What they do not realize is that the "elderly" were in their 60s or perhaps 70s. Or those who lived into their 80s or even 90s, were in relatively good health.
Today, those elders who have advanced heart disease in their late 70s and 80s survive due to a heart bypass (for example), and live another 10 years. But those last 10 years are often full of a complex constellation of medical issues. The elders are "saved" from death by heart disease, but deteriorate from other disorders, that in a previous generation - they would have been spared. Life extension of our elders has resulted in much older and too often much sicker. Their expectations for home and family care, do not match the reality of their medical state. It is wonderful to have them with us for a longer time, but they often need more care than family or a spouse can provide.
My father never did allow outsiders into his house to help. He was never willing to pay for care. He did abuse my mother by expecting too much, and she did abandon him periodically when she needed a break. It was a dynamic that was built over 61 years - and I could not influence it.
Try to get your Dad to allow outsiders (caretakers) into the house to help him. Outside caretakers may also moderate your mother's behavior. They may give her some respite, and she may behave differently when observed. Or try to get your father to move to an environment with the support he needs (if possible).
If both of those fail - you can either accept what you cannot change, or reach out to the Elder Abuse hotline (anonymously).
Helpful Answer (15)
Mustlovedogs Feb 2020
Or leave the elderly alone. Calling an elder abuse helpline will only bring APS. Maybe people should stay out of others business? Families should be helping. Unfortunately, many adult children are selfish.
I am thinking that you are dealing with a terrible situation that only he can truly change.

You can call the law, you can call APS but he has to be the one to say, I don't feel safe, I am not receiving care. Unless they arrive while he is being left to lay on the floor. Be very sure he is willing to implement change or you are just causing potential conflict.

Has anyone in the family told her that she is being abusive by letting him lay after falling and she could go to jail for elder abuse? Has anyone said that he is sick and she needs to stop being nasty to him?

It is okay to call inappropriate abusive behavior when we see it.

Someone in this family needs to help this man by calling his wife out for her behavior.
Helpful Answer (2)

You can call the cops and and put her in jail, or put them in a nursing home....The only other alternative is have them live with you and take care of them.
Helpful Answer (1)
Mustlovedogs Feb 2020
That would be insane.
How is he being abused? Physically or emotionally? Who is your dad’s caregiver? Has your mom been his caregiver and is burning out? Does she need looking after too? These situations can be complicated.

I’m not making excuses for your mom. I am only trying to get a clear picture of the circumstances. I am sorry your dad is suffering.

Was your mom loving with your father before this situation? Do you feel that he would be more comfortable in a facility? He would be cared for and your mom would get a break too. Maybe she would be in better spirits if she was not watching him suffer every minute.
Helpful Answer (5)

I think he spoiled her. She is now mad that she has to care for him. Maybe there always has been abuse and she curtailed that when others were around. Now she has lost her filter.

Is it possible to move him to your home? Do they have money where he can be placed in an AL? If no money, maybe getting him Medicaid for homecare in your home. Maybe hospice.
Helpful Answer (1)

Abusing how? Physically? Verbally? Not caring for him? If you feel this is possible, remove him from the situation. He should not have to spend the last years of his life sad and defeated. Figure something g out and get him out of there. And if you feel Mom has dementia or other mental concerns, get her help as well.
Helpful Answer (15)

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