It's important she takes meds as she has diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, to name a few. Also a hard time going to bathroom and has refused docusate which cannot be crushed.
I've put crushed pills on layers of pancakes but now think she is having a bad taste and doesn't want them.
One thing that was working was a pb&j sandwich. I put a very small layer of meds with jelly, then a thicker layer of jelly and peanut butter. But now she hates this!!!
If anyone has any recommendations for what food to put crushed pills in, can you please let me know?
She hates medicine in liquid form. Doesn't like pudding, can't eat with ice cream, don't know how would taste with mashed potatoes or if they can be mixed with very hot food.
Also any help with replacement of docusate?
Any help GREATLY appreciated!!
Thank you
A tablespoon of applesauce or just a tablespoon of her favorite jelly to get the meds in. I think maybe you are using to much food to deliver the meds, making the whole meal taste off.
I agree with the others about her BMs. Talk to a pharmacist about what she can take. Maybe ask about a metamucil in Orange juice or something. Where I work you need Dr orders for crushed pills, laxatives, or even stopping meds so I realize my advice may seem a little different. Sometimes patience is a key too. There's usually 2hour leeway with some pills. And don't put them in a lot of the mixer. A bite or two is simplest.
You have not completed your profile. How old is Mum?
Have you had a conversation with her doctor about whether or not she needs the various medications or if there are alternatives? Does she really need her cholesterol medication? Have you tried adding psyllium to her diet, it is not a stool softener, but can help keep things moving.
There are other things that can help to keep bowels moving, but because your mother is taking other medications, you would need to talk to her pharmacist to see if they are appropriate. The pharmacist is the person who could probably answer your questions.
If your Mom is lactose intolerant, Lactaid makes a really good chocolate ice cream that won't upset Mom's stomach. It also comes in vanilla.
Guess it all depends on the fillers used in the pills which is done to make the pills larger to pick up. Each pharmaceutical has their own fillers. If one pill doesn't work, maybe another pharmaceutical maker has fillers that are easier to taste.