
Brief History: My mother and I are estranged due to abuse as a child. We have had contact on and off over the years but due to her untreated mental health issues she has been unable to be a consistent part of my life since I was 12.
Current Day: My mother is recently in a post hospital rehab center after falling. She also has dementia. This care center needs me to sign my mom up for medicaid but I have no access to her personal info and financial records. Her brother, who is in a memory care center himself, has PoA and is unable to help. I live on the other side of the country and there is no other family close to her; I don't know who her friends are to ask for help from where I am across the country.
How can I sign her up if I have no access to any of her info? Is there any other way to get her signed up for Medicaid? (She does have Medicare -could the info they have help at all?)
Also, her independent living apartment center will not have her back because she can no longer live safely alone so the rehab care center told me 7 days ago that if I don't figure something out that they will have to take her to a shelter.

The facility doesn't need you to sign for your mother Medicaid. They want you to take the huge responsibility of the work off their hands. You are not POA and do not want to become one for someone that is estranged Believe me it is a huge responsibility for one locally let alone in a different state and I can assure you do not have to take on this responsibility. Do not sign or verbally agree to anything.

Contact the Ombudsman in the state of NJ and tell then the facility threaten you with dumping your mother to a shelter when it is an unsafe discharge. They should be investigated for threatening behavior and endangering the safety of an elderly person.
Helpful Answer (14)
Reply to AMZebbC
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thanks for your input! Very helpful!
Don't get involved.
It will be endless and hopeless and you might as well book constant flights right now.

You haven't been involved. Keep it that way.
Tell any who call you that:
1. I am estranged from my mother because of her mental issues.
2. I cannot/will not function for my mother in any way BECAUSE I am
A) physically unable
B) Mentally unable
C) Intellectually incapable
D) Make up a bunch more.
3. I will not be involved in getting my mother's assets together and have ZERO idea what they are and her brother POA is incapacitated so my mother will require guardianship of her state.

Wish them good luck.
No one can force you to act for a parent.
Attempting to act to an uncooperative elder is asking the IMPOSSIBLE.

Stay around the Forum and read if you need a dip into the world of aging with dementia and/or mental illness.

Lastly order from Amazon TODAY a copy of Liz Scheier's book Never Simple.
Ms. S tried to help her mother for many decades and she was clever and bright enough to access the full help of the city and state of New York Social service's safety net.
You need to know that your help will be hopeless, unappreciated, fought, and not as good ultimately as the help of a court appointed Fiduciary.

Sorry. Those are the sad facts.
You can choose to try another way, but I caution you: IF you take on guardianship the only way you can resign it is through the court and the court will not let you resign even IF you are physically and mentally ill.
Not everything can be fixed. That's Dr. Laura's mantra. And it has long been mine.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to AlvaDeer
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thank you AlvaDeer, This is hugely informative..thanks for taking the time to type it out. Never Simple just happened to be available on audiobook through the Libby App/library so I checked it out and downloaded it. Thanks for the recommend.
See 1 more reply
Former nursing home admissions director here. If you are not her PoA (and with the distance and issues between to the two of you, you don't want that burden... trust me!) and her identified PoA (brother) is incapacitated, there is no problem with the nursing home applying for her Medicaid in NJ. We did it all the time. What is suspect is that the payment for her rehab stay under Medicare is rapidly coming to an end and the nursing home wants to empty that bed by dumping her on you. As others have said here, if her independent living residence can't take her back she is a danger to herself. Putting her in a shelter is an unsafe discharge.... the NJ Ombudsman office will be all over them. That is what you tell the social worker who is now in charge of getting the paperwork done for your Mom...."a shelter would be an unsafe discharge and I really don't want to have to call the Ombudsman". Keep repeating it to them. The Long Term care Ombudsman'# (877) 582-6995 or your can go to their site and email them if you would rather. If you want to private message me and let me know what county the nursing home your Mom is in, I can probably get you a number for the Ombudsman of that county.
The state may have to assume guardianship over her but that is up to the nursing home and the hospital to figure out. You stay way, way out of it.
Don't fall victim to the nursing homes bluffing lies. Unsafe discharge!!!!
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to geddyupgo

Allow her to become a ward of the state she lives in.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thank you for the advice!
Let the rehab center know that you are NOT your mothers POA, and that they will have to apply for Medicaid for her and that the state will just have to take over her and her care.
And you let them know that your mother is an "unsafe discharge" (yes, use those exact words over and over if necessary)which will force the social worker at the rehab to do their job and get your mother placed in the appropriate facility pending Medicaid.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to funkygrandma59
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thank you funkygrandma59, this is helpful.
Call the Department of Aging services or APS in the state she lives in. They need to assign a state social worker to her. As others have said, you have no legal responsibility here, nor do you have the ability to apply her for Medicaid without going through a costly process to you. You would have to obtain guardianship, which would entail a lot of time, effort and money on your behalf, in order to access her financial records. Call APS and report an endangered adult. Give them your mom's name and current address at the facility.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to mstrbill
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thank you for taking time to give me advice! You and everyone have been incredible helpful.
They have to handle it. You have no attachments here and no responsibilities to help.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Bulldog54321
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
I appreciate your input Bulldog!
What a difficult and sad situation. Kudos to you for even being willing to help the person who, to be very blunt, mental illness or no, ruined your childhood. But you’re estranged for a good reason, and you don’t even have the information the rehab needs.

I would assume the rehab has experience with other patients who have no relatives at all who need to be enrolled in Medicaid. They seem to be wanting you to do THEIR job. I would advise them you’ve been estranged for many years due to abuse and unfortunately cannot help them, beyond perhaps giving them the name and address of the brother with POA in the memory care center, and the address of the independent living place she was in, etc.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to SnoopyLove
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
Thank you SnoopyLove. This is helpful.
Yes, you just tell them that you are estranged and have no POA. The person who has it is in Memory care so also not able to help.

If she has Dementia and is now 24/7 care, its an unsafe discharge. Tell them, she will need to become a Ward of the State. That you will not be able to help from the opposite side of the country and because of the abuse. They will need to apply for Medicaid and get a court order to get her financial info. Since you are estranged, you do not have that information. If they continue to harass u, call APS and report Mom as a vulnerable adult.

You cannot be held liable for Mom. Being an abused child keeps you from taking on that responsibility. I would state my case and hang up blocking your number. Then I would call APS and tell them the situation and let them handle it from that end. I may keep there number for a while and then block them too.

I live in South NJ and the last I heard we had no shelters nearby. The last I heard was Atlantic City. Research says Edison and Newark. Really, there aren't many shelters in NJ.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JoAnn29
LuijeC354r3 Dec 18, 2024
JoAnn29, this is helpful info, thank you. She is in Plainfield which is 8 mlies from Edison. I was hit hard when they said that, so I glad that I can prevent that from happening. Thanks again.
You do not have the authority to do anything in her name.
The hospital needs to go before a Judge and a Guardian will be appointed.
They may call it a temporary Guardianship so that things can get started.
I would urge you to NOT agree to be her Guardian if you are asked. The Court can appoint a Guardian that will remain her Guardian.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954

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