My mother is 78 and has dementia. She lives with me and I am her main caregiver. Lately she has been refusing to sleep in her bed at night and prefers to sleep in her chair that’s in her room and even sometimes on the floor. No matter what I do she will still end up in one of those places. I make sure she is comfy in bed and I even check a few times before I settle in and I often wake in the middle of the night to find her sleeping in the chair or on the floor. I don’t know what else to do because I know no matter what I say or how much I explain, she will still do what she is going to do. I have two older siblings that take her sometimes for overnight but never have this problem. Is there any advice out there or has anyone else experienced this?
Compare the bed that she uses when your Mom is visiting with the siblings. See what is the difference.
Could there be a light source that bothers her. Or if the room is too dark, install a couple of night lights. Oh, what about Mom's pillow? Check to see how that is different at the sibling's house.
Are you using a scented detergent and/or softener when washing the sheets and pillow cases. I know I have to re-wash my bedding if sig other accidentally uses the scented detergent/softener which he likes. My nose gets all stuffed up.
Also, is Mom eating any snacks before going to bed, but not eating snacks at the sibling's house.
One has to play detective to figure out what is happening. Hope you solve this mystery soon.
I hope your solution is as easy to fix as mine was!