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PeggySue, if you are correct about the problems in getting off the DV donor’s list, why keep posting about it to us? This forum has absolutely no power to change the system. Use your energy to contact politicians who DO have the power to investigate and make the changes you want.
Helpful Answer (3)
PeggySue2020 Aug 31, 2024
Well I don’t know Margaret, but it sure seems to me that many posters are on here with observations about how unfair Medicaid is, for example. We don’t just shut them off and tell them to complain to Kamala, for example.

We have a legitimate complaint, that being that there is not a transparent process to remove him. Alva’s advice was decent in that a witnessed letter placed in his chart should be enough, but then we have Mac saying that she’s seen families actually be forced into this by that donor marker on his dl.

Once a person decides that they don’t want to be a donor, the legal recording of this fact should be as painless as possible. We should not even have to lobby our politicians over the nonprofits failure to even respond.

Now, Margaret, if you yourself have chosen to become a donor, your family should be ok with the 30 minutes, the donor walk, the recipient family’s prayerful energy and them reaching out to your fam with letters. If you’re fine with that, great and I honor your choice. I however feel the opposite and request similar tolerance for my choice as opposed to being shamed by recipient families who benefited, especially the one thst volunteered that the donors family was not on board. Did she make the decision as a child too and then have it roll over, out of sight out of mind? Was she cognizant of the burden this put on the donor family? Because most kids are not.
Peggy, I wanted to say, "Praise The Lord that your husband is okay after his terrible accident. I pray that he has no long term ill effects."
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No disrespect to anyone intended, but whether or not to donate should always be up to the individual donor, IMO. There should be a mechanism for changing one's status, and I'm sure there is--if one can figure out/wade through the red tape. Isn't that usually the case? As far as we are concerned it's likely a moot point: who would want a body part from a 94 Y/O (my spouse) or 87 Y/O (me)? Our organs are pretty much past their "use by" date!
Helpful Answer (1)
PeggySue2020 Aug 31, 2024
Any body is valuable if donated. With age and ongoing conditions, donations tend to go to research. If dh wants to donate my corpse to a medical school, I’d be ok with it as the scenario would be my dying naturally without the donor walk, the 30 minutes, the spiritual praying energy from recipients and said recipients reaching out with letters
Peggy while you try to reach them by phone I would send a certified letter with a return receipt so you have proof of delivery by an actual human from DH with the request to be removed as a donor effective and put the date. I might even go so far as to write the letter and get both copies notarized - two copies one for them and one for DH ( this way DH has an original and they do also) included in the letter to make it more official.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Aug 31, 2024
This is among the best ideas. Dh actually has a notary on site.
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Peggy Sue, I talked about this with my DH tonight, and we both had exactly the same view: organ donation is a good thing, but it should be easy to change your mind about it. If that was the law, would it satisfy you?
Helpful Answer (1)
PeggySue2020 Sep 1, 2024
It would satisfy me 100 percent, Margaret. I have never disputed that organ donation saves lives, but I think the donors and their family should be educated on what it entails. I also think that the original decision should not be made by minor children in any circumstance,
I think this discussion has gone its course. Time to ask that it be shut down.
Helpful Answer (5)
PeggySue2020 Sep 1, 2024
Why, Joann? The fact is that it shouldn’t trigger anyone to just know how to get off the list once you are on it. It’s not simple at all. The situation is evolving. Maybe the emergent solution will help another poster.

I also think that a definitive discussion needs to be held between potential donors and their families on what exactly the latter’s obligations are. It’s not like I’m saying that no one should do it, I’m just very much saying that a conversation should be had.
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Oh Peggy Sue

Here is the process for legislative changes in the state of Ca.

Here is the list of current Ca. Senators with their phone numbers and addresses and a link to find your representative who might advise you.

Under the Citizens Guide found on the home page you will find a printable flyer you can use as a handout for when you set up your card table in front of your grocery store or over at the senior center or in front of DMV offices or at the PTA meetings. (Do they still have those?). For sure you can use social media to help you find your people who are passionate about your cause.

On this flyer the very first square shows how it all starts with a “concerned citizen” that would be you, PEGGY SUE. Then it goes to your SENATOR. I looked but I didn’t see AGING CARE FORUM, anywhere on this flow chart of how a law gets from CONCERNED CITIZEN to BECOMES LAW so your considerable activist passion might be misspent here when it looks like most of us aren’t CA voters and don’t have the problem you have uncovered.

You have found your CAUSE, now go find your PEOPLE. (This crowd is getting restless).

I might leave out that part about dueling prayers for loved ones. Reminded me of that part of the movie (Bruce Almighty) where Jim Carey (playing the part of GOD)let all the people actually win who were praying to win the lottery (pitiful payout) or the ball games (all games were tied).

Or just slip it in to your pitch selectively. Depending on your crowd. 😇

Let us know the name of the bill when you get it going. We can follow the progress here on this link.

Good luck.

Oh and I just checked. They have a link where you can look up existing bills in the process. There are currently 225 for “organ donation”. 😱🙂

May be too late to get the bill named for you but you might have a head start on finding your people.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Sep 2, 2024
This is good information, but it should not take a political movement, and I don’t have the half million it would even take to raise this. I’m not a politician.
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Peggy I bet you will be glad when this holiday weekend is over so you can start making phone calls and taking action. Why it problems always happen during a long 3 day weekend or holiday?
Helpful Answer (1)

Actually, it is quite easy to get removed as a donor with very little time and very little effort!

1) Request removal online at

2) Request removal by email at and follow their reply instructions.

3) Send a physical letter to:
Donate Life California
3940 Industrial Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691

4) Call them at (866) 797-2366

Put a sticker on the driver's license that says "not an organ donor". The next time DH renews his license (sooner if he pays for another license or later at standard renewal), it will already be removed from the DMV database showing DH as a donor and the little dot be gone on the new license.

POA worries solved.
Helpful Answer (3)
PeggySue2020 Sep 2, 2024
Well, their ai verification failed, and they also failed to answer the phone. I’m thinking that a physical letter to both them and Kaiser are next steps.
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