
Our elderly, immobile loved one who is fully incontinent has developed peeling skin on their butt cheeks-we usually use A&D daily when we change their tabbed brief. We switched to Aquaphor when the peeling started (like how a sunburn would peel, but not red like a sun burn) but it didnt improve/enough. I just started using the Desitin maximum strength (40% zinc oxide) tonight for the first time so hope that works. They normally sleep on their back in the hospital bed with an APP alternating air pressure mattress. Last night we put them on one side, tonight on the other side, hoping to give the skin a break from always have weight on it (during day our loved one is always in their tilt in space wheelchair, except when we change them using a hoyer u-sling)-any other ointments we should try? we switched from using sensitive baby wipes on their butt cheek skin to using a soft wash cloth with warm water. Tonight i also put warmish water directly on the skin to clean it using a portable/hande held bidet we have, before patting it gently with the wash cloth, and then drying it with a dry washcloth and then applying the maximum strength desitin. they often have skin issues-this is just the 1st time we've had the peeling skin-they have been urinating greater volumes lately so i attribute it to that-thanks

I used Minuka honey when my husband developed sores. Works fast for healing.
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Reply to OneLife5491

walmart carries large full body bath disposable but not flushbable heavy weight cleansing washclothes. 8 in a pkg unsure of price. can be warmed for comfort. area has to be cleaned first before destine,
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lovelyliz
Care13 Feb 16, 2025
Thank you! Do you know what the brand/name of wipes is by chance? Thanks
I was told by my hubby's Hospice nurse to use Medline Remedy Prevent Silicone Cream on his buttocks. 4 Oz tube. Vanilla scent. She said this is breathable and has no alcohol.
You will want to see what the doctor says is wrong with the area on your hubby's buttocks. May be due to urine or yeast. You have to know first.
This barrier cream has worked beautifully. We use it on the buttocks, the skin of the perineum, in the thigh folds, on scrotum and on penis shaft. Anywhere that urine or feces may touch skin.
It is thinner than A&D and more breathable than Aquaphor. It doesn't dry out the skin like Desetin or zinc oxide creams.
We get it from Hospice. It can also be ordered on Amazon. I've not found it in drug stores.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JanPeck123
Care13 Feb 16, 2025
Thanks for this! Is this is used preventatively every day on the buttocks skin/genitals area? Or just if you have redness and/or peeling buttocks skin? Did your family use it for urine issues or skin issues from a yeast infection (if yeast infection is what causes the yeast issue?)

Was this the brand/type you used:

Thanks again
Care13: Perhaps you can try a barrier cream. Medical professionals use the brand from Medline which you may be able to obtain from her physician. As always, speak to her physician about the underlying cause before starting treatment since you don't want to do more harm than good.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

You need to identify it before you treat it so that you don’t make it worse.
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Reply to anonymous144448

I make up a concoction of products. I used A&D with zinc, and often sprinkle a little powder, and Medline Remedy Clinical Antifungal Powder and I spray clean with and antimicrobial cleanser -- SkinSmart Antimicrobial Perineal Cleanser -- when cleaning/changing for overnight. And even then, sometimes little patches of peeling may appear. It's a never-ending battle.
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Reply to Tynagh

I think you need to ask for wound care consult at this point. Though you say this isn't red it could either be bad yeast infection (which would worsen with current treatments but get better with monistat cream over the counter) or it is a burn but this isn't good. And the desitin is my very least favorite of things you are using. The sticky goo of it is impossible to clean off without injuring the already peeling skin, and what's left is harboring bacteria that can't be got rid of. The turning on the side and plain old air is best for now until you can get in a wound care nurse, but the fact that there is constant incontinence is going to make this very difficult to heal.
I am so sorry.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
cwillie Dec 10, 2024
The thing with zinc creams is it isn't necessary to scrub them off!
Udderly Smooth - soothes and heals
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to OncehatedDIL

This is probably a yeast infection and sounds severe enough that I would visit the doctor if possible and ask for a prescription. If that's impossible ask your pharmacist for help choosing OTC solutions.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cwillie

I would of suggest desitin, I think that's gonna work here. It creates a barrier between the skin and moisture.

I honestly used crisco once on my kids dipper rash, and it worked really well. One other unusual thing I've heard people use, with luck is Bag Bomb .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Valentine15 Dec 10, 2024
Bag balm
Placing on each side is best but look up on Amazon for skin barrier cream. It’s a white paste that helps. I had to use on my dad. Best wishes.
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Reply to Nicole30

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