
I am 77, alone without any family. I live in WA State I do not have assets. Income of $1800 is Social Security. I am terrified about my future care especially as I start losing my memory. Where is a place to start planning?

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With your income, if you spend down your savings to whatever the limit is in your state if you need care in a NH, Medicaid should pay.

Meet with your local Medicaid location and ask your questions.

Good Luck!
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I would start with an elder law attorney.
Are you currently renting?

I often think it would be a good thing for seniors to live together; perhaps renting a room with a bath would work for you for some time unless/until you couldn't manage your own health care and well being.
If there are Board and Cares in your own area, then once that could help qualify you for Medicaid might be a good choice. If you have no family and friends you may go to an elder law attorney and ask for state guardianship/fiduciary to manage placement. Board and Cares often limit themselves to 6 people, and have an overall much more homelike atmosphere than nursing homes do.

That would require application to Medicaid; the government would pick up costs and your SS aside from a small allowance would go to your care. Many people did not have families and are alone. I surely do wish you good luck.
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