
Does anyone have any ideas for those with dementia to hang on to reading glasses? just inexpensive drug store, not Rx readers?

So far, this seems like the scene from the movie about Helen Keller where she throws every spoon on the floor. At least they could be found on the floor. But not the readers .. no way.. they're 'stolen.'

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Thanks for everyone's help, suggestions.  We found his tucked away with socks!  Will try ideas posted here ~ thanks, again!
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Got my aunt some really nice glasses.. They disappeared. Very nice frames.. so, who knows what happened to them. I got her a nice robe for her new place. WEeks later the manager of the villa said she has been throwing items away, like the very nice robe I got her, and maybe the glasses too. Really? They couldn't call me and say, you may want to come down here and look at the stuff before stick it in the dumpster.
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lilhelp Jun 2020
Oh wow.. I don't understand why they'd do that either; so sorry.  :(
I have a set of readers in every place where I use them - 9 inside at the moment plus extras in my handbag, car, shed etc. I take them off when I stand up, and use the next pair when I shift position. It works fairly well for me. I try to make the frames different colors or styles, so that each pair 'belongs' to the computer, bedside, bathroom etc etc.
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Shane1124 Jun 2020
Me as well. I buy them in three’s. I do have a puppy now who has chewed up 3 pair so far so now yes, at times it’s the blind leading the blind, lol.
I am forever losing my reading glasses.
stole,I should say...!! You buy 20n eyeglasses at the 99 cent store, and they disappear. Have you checked the cubby in the kitchen, the drawer, behind the bed, at the end of bed; under the couch or its cushions, the refrigerator, under the car seats, in your brief case, purse, tote, outdoors last, remember, you had to pick a flower for the inside of your house, : perhaps, it in the car, under seats.
left them at work, in a bathroom somewhere. home, hopefully. I DO NO KNOW WHERE MY GLASSES RUNAWAY TO. SO I JUST BUY MORE,, MAYBE ONE WILL STICT IT OUT WITH ME, NOW ITS TIME TO CHECK IN WITH HUBBY...where does his hide? Maybe, then neeto hide together and they aRE IN THE SAME SPOT?
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I have seen a locator device that can be attached to the glasses and then they are tracked by phone. It’s about $49.00 on Amazon. I have no idea if they work. You would need someone from from the facility to help do it, if she is living in a facility.

I’ve also heard that if the person with dementia does not keep up with the glasses, they are not likely actually using them any longer. I might check and just confirm if she really is still able to read.
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