My mom died 2 mos. ago. None of my 3 siblings and their spouses have spoken to me since. While she was alive I pushed for her to make someone a poa and she refused, part of the reason there was a big fight in the nh near the end. One sister and a half-brother are the executors - but apparently have not filed probate yet - and according to state law probate has to be filed within 40 days. This has gotten much uglier than I anticipated. Has anyone had anything like this happen?
my aunt would like me to harvest some of the big trees off of her place but her daughter and g - kids say no way . they prefer to see the place go solely to medicaide recovery .
family blows . im ok with all of em but dont necessarily like them .
But over the years, I've cultivated friends and will continue to have a circle of people around me who care about me and share my values. So even though it's sad when our families aren't like the Leave It To Beaver family or Father Knows Best, we can create another "family" of chosen friends and co-workers that can be even closer than family, because we can choose them for who they are. Hugs to you...I'm sure it's a hard and sad reality to accept.
All I can say is I kept MY integrity and in the end that is all that mattered to me... I pray you get some things straightened out and keep yourself safe from the hurtful things that can be said and done at a time like this.... hugs to you..
We can hope that as time passes cooler heads will prevail and everyone will recognize that you were all stressed out, and having different opinions does not mean anyone loved Mom less.
As for the executors, let them do their appointed duties as they see fit. This is something they were assigned to do.
I hope peace will descend upon this situation. I think I'd give it more time before I attempted a reconciliation.
I don't think you have given enough facts to let anyone help you answer...except I'm sure many many estates turn ugly.
In Indiana you have a year to probater. I was executor for my brother. His older kids were frantic about it. He left hospital bills galore. I turned it over to them. Then found out the reason they paniced is that if you don't start probate until after 9 months the hospital creditors can't claim on your house because they didn't know he had one..died in another city. So they got to keep his house and sell and keep the money. He had insurance and quit his job - lost insurance. So that was their reasoning for not wanting me to start the probate. $$$ MONEY!!