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I t just not like that any move
my name is marqus and I'm a Epileiic but I was marriage for 12 years and when I got sick me wife 3 kids made fun of me and beast me up , but if you go to the police all what they will tell you "are you ok now" !
Why ?
you will have
1) their Mother !
2) One of the daughter !
3) their mother son !
4) their mother other daughter !
5) the daughter boy friend
5 people and then you ! I their the Police need to to back to school and read up on people who hit their Mum & dad ?
I has a heart attack and her 3 kids has me in a room and would not let me out until the 4 th day \now you tell me
all what I can tell you is my x wife grandson went awol ther son has 4 DUI, your daughter have not work for 20 some years and as long as I knew her daughter she work 6 month, & thaay all all what she do is Call her Mother up and cry over the phone & tell her Moyher she cannot walk
and the is the Bloudly truth
if I miss spell for gave me as I has a heart attack and my wife & 3 of her kids has me in a room for 4 day

God Bless you if you have a heart attack
if you have a life in. call your friend and have him or her call on you.
Thank you for your time,
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I have not had the "good" input from outside services that many of you experience. When my MIL went to the hospital for MRSA, she was sent home after 3 days instead of to rehab because they thought she didn't have paperwork. Paperwork is their excuse for any sloppy mistakes because they didn't send her paperwork which would have proved she had insurance and also qualified for rehab care. She needed wound care under sterile technique twice a day, along with keeping her clothes separate to wash and all dishes separate from ours. My husband was immuno compromised from his kidney transplant so he was at high risk for infection from her and she would try to kick me in the chest when we both tried to change her dressings. Enter Hurricane Sandy. The day after she came home, with at-home nursing care for bathing and dressing changes, we had no lights, no power, no heat, no phone, no way to call the hospital. The police couldn't get in touch with the hospital. It was a nightmare with a combative dementia patient! I flagged down a copy car on our street helping someone else and begged for some kind of supplies. I took the bare minimum because I knew he had other people who needed care, too. After twelve days of this hell, she was readmitted to the hospital with fluid on her heart complaining of chest pains and kept there until she went to rehab for a month. At rehab they refused to let her use her walker and tried to keep a 98 year old woman on an exercise bicycle for half an hour. They discharged her for no improvement and sedated her during the day and tied her to her wheelchair.
Now she fills her diaper instead of using the bathroom and can't walk without falling unless we hold her up. She had 200 mg. Seraquel while there which made her worse; she had been on 50 mg. at home. When they came to do an intake assessment of our care at the beginning of all this, all we got were half-assed explanations that they didn't have their paperwork and they had 5 days to receive it. Unfortunately, they had sent her home after 3 days. This bollygon of bullshit continued throughout her stay in rehab and we were told it would takes six months to get her into any elder care babysitting programs during the day. A booze cruise with two bozos in a boat--the intake social worker and the patient. My daughter is a social worker and this is not unusual. Don't kid yourself. Anytime they can stick you with caregiving far and beyond your abilities or endurance, they will do so. Been there, done that. Still taking care of her better than they ever did.
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Notifying social services etc does not in any way guarantee the agencies will do the right thing let alone do their job correctly. My experiences have largely been with NH; the ombudsman support is a joke...the ombuds sat there while the NH told me I had to adhere to visiting hours which end at 8p.m. The CA law states family members do not have to abide by this law and it goes on and on. Everything is a struggle or a fight at the NH. I could write a book but I wont as I would rather focus my energy on mom.
In America, yes indeed, mom was placed in a wheelchair; chair pushed up against a wall, a table pushed up against the wheel chair in the front. When mom learned to push the table away they laughed when they found a solution; two tables were pushed in front of the front part of the wheel chair. These were mandated reporters do this; either they are stupid and do not understand the law (which is possible because they have proven themselves stupid) or they feel entitled to ignore the law. I hear you fedupnow.
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I have questions. Is it only SIL caring for MIL? Is someone there helping SIL? Does someone help to give her time off from MIL? How many family members are there, and how many is actually physically there helping SIL with MIL? And I don't mean you all's "visit" where MIL is very nice to you all because you are "visitors"? If only SIL is caring for MIL - literally - then SIL could be going thru deep depression where she no longer cares about anything or anyone. Maybe it's time for the rest of the family to step up and help.

Father physically abused mom out of stress and resentment. I stayed home to help defuse it - even got hit several times. I resented that my 7 siblings were able to live their own lives and I didn't. No one even offered to take over so that I can take a week or 2 trip. Only recently, the past 2 or 3 years, father and I finally gave up asking my siblings for help. It kind of gets monotonous and as if we're begging (and not getting help) after asking for it for 20 years. We just did what we needed to do until father had his stroke, bedridden. And still no help from siblings. I now pay my oldest sis to watch our father Monday-Fridays.

And I will be truthful. Mom would have had bedsores if it weren't for the gov't caregivers coming here 4 times a week to sponge bathe her - since the time she was diagnosed (23 years)- we had their services of 15 years. I only did it ONE time with father's help. Do you know how difficult it is to sponge bathe her and to do this every day? Our idea of sponge bathing is putting body wash on her and literally pouring water over her to rinse it out - every day? We had mom sponge bathe for those 15 years only on the weekdays with the paid govt caregivers. As for Turning her, we did it every 4 hours. We did put pillow under her knees. And an air mattress. Mom only had 1 bedsore in which the hole was sinking in - when she spent 1 month in the hospital. She came home with that bedsore on her left butt, and very angry red butt and front area. She flinched even when water touched her skin.

HOWEVER because your MIL has diabetes and bedsores on her legs, you need to get her to the clinic/hospital ASAP. Sores on the legs are not good for diabetics. She can lose her legs. You can call in Adult Protective Services but I hope you all did your best to help out first before this situation got where it is now.

P.S. I understand that as a SIL to the family, you don't want to rock the boat. Go with what's in your heart but be prepared for the fall outs. You're stuck between the rock and a hard place.
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