Hi. I am a caregiver (through an agency). I have looked after a lovely gentleman for morning and tea calls for nearly 5 yrs. He lives with his family. In the beginning probably at stage 3/4 he be up and down the stairs on his own to use the toilet. Now he is at stage 7 , has to be encouraged to eat his meals, struggles to see tablets in my hand in front of him, to put his dentures in, his mobility is becoming a little weaker, relies on support to walk from the bathroom to the stairs. The limbs in his hands have started to curve. I know as caregivers we empower them to keep motivated for good strength. At what point do we say to the family enough is enough? He shouldn't be using the stairs? He has a commode downstairs family refuse to let him use it.
Best of luck to you
Perhaps he needs to see an eye doctor for an exam. If his vision isn’t corrected properly, that could be a reason for some of his issues.
I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this.
You can only report to the family that you believe that he is no longer safe negotiating the stair. And you can only hope that they will listen to you. If they do not, the inevitable is likely to happen. I would let them know your observations, and as Sendhelp says, do discuss with the person you report to at your agency if you work for one.