
Mom was in the hospital and my sister took money and mementos without us knowing. She is being investigated by the now guardian. Will they end up paying anything back?

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Yes she talked her into it and my mom has dementia and would have never had anyones name on it
My niece knew she took the money rolled up and the guardian is looking 5 years back. The woman at the bank told my niece she had been taking out 1000 a month . M Y mom had no food inthe hose and nothing to show for it. When the guardian looks into it there she will find it went nowhere.
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Unless there's proof that sis and niece plundered mom's money I don't know if anything can be done. This is just an opinion. It's good that the guardian is looking into it. Did your sister have access to your mom's money in years past? Was her name of any of your mom's accounts? I'm wondering how she had access?
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My niece has the power of attorney medical. My sister and my niece had keys to the house. MY sister took even the money rolled up at 182 dollars. My niece is 30 miles away . They were supposed to take mementos for everyone but took everything they could saying to take it before the state gets involved. The guardian is investigating 5 years back from savings. There is thousands missing . Jewelry is missing also. There answer to everything is I do not know what you are talking about or I have not seen that! I am in sc and she is in nh. She is now safe at the nursing home.
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it makes sense for the person most in charge to secure valuables at a time of vulnerability . otherwise the home would be plundered like a cyclone hit it. hopefully this will be the case.
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What a horrible abuse of trust your sister breached and while your mom was at her most vulnerable. I'm so sorry that happened.

Who is the guardian? A family member or someone outside the family? I guess it might depend upon who the guardian is and what power they have. Did the guardian report your sister to the police? Is there proof that your sister stole these things from your mom?
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