I have been preparing for six months to apply for Medicaid for my MIL. At first, I talked to the people in the business office for details. I wasn't real sure of their answers, so I talked to an attorney, who wanted $350 up front. He told me a little more than what the NH was telling me but wanted $6500 more to continue on. So, I decided to google it and found out more. Then I spent months gathering information, bank statements, documents, moving mountains, and finally got down to taking care of final expenses. Went back to the NH to make double sure that we were on the right track. And was told something else that threw me for a loop. Their story changed concerning final expenses from what they initially told me. I pondered and stewed for a few days and then made the decision to just call the state Medicaid office myself and get the answers straight from them. Of course I had to be on hold for quite a while, but it was worth it. Come to find out, the NH was not being honest with me. All I can figure is they want as much of her money as they can get their hands on before Medicaid kicked in, because when that happens, they won't make as much off of her! I have always given people the benefit of the doubt, but this time I did not!! Frustrating!