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That's funny Glasshalful, those are some of my favorite movies lol. Especially Dante's Peak that's a CLASSIC. I love the disaster movie genre.
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Oh I didn't stay on topic. Sorry! But please let me know if ASMR does help.
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While taking care of my mom, my mind would not shut down at night therefore I was getting no sleep. My doctor suggested a low dose of antiantiety/depression med by the name of celexa, he said it was non addictive and it did work. Be ven if I was in a sound sleep, I still heard my mom. Guess it is like a mom and her baby.
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What you describe is the #1 symptom of adrenal fatigue...Tired during the day; up during the night. Google it and see if you have any other symptoms. I would suggest natural solutions like that ones mentioned here. Some are milder than others. Try Valerian Root before resorting to Melatonin. Melatonin will work, but it's a hormone in the body and it could effect the other hormones (they interact with each other.)
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Can I make a suggestion? Perhaps you could try some herbal tea before you go to bed at night. Some good herbs to relax you and help you sleep are Chamomile, Valerian, Skullcap, and Hops. Also, I don't know if you are a coffee or pop drinker, but you might want to limit your intake of caffeine so it doesn't keep you up at night. I know in my case I no longer drink coffee after noon.

In addition to the comments above on Ambien, my mother was prescribed Ambien a few months ago when she was in the hospital to help her sleep, and it actually had the opposite reaction in her case! In fact, she became very agitated and was ready to fight everybody!
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Thanks I have ended caffeine intake after Noon...did that a while ago...and have tried the tea but chamomile is not a favorite of mine ---I can stand it as sleepy time but don't find I get sleepy. But thanks
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I find that I need to really work on the "shutting my mind off" either with writing ideas down or meditating or praying...etc.

The last few nights have been exhausting because the night had really weird dreams too, Too much input and not enough of a solution during the day I guess.

I can fall asleep anytime during the day - all I have to do is close my eyes. But I just can't manage enough to get ahead.
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ZzzQuil! Best I have found.
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same thing With me ! I have tried everything . I am 61 and its like I fight the sleep ! I am lucky to even get 2hours in 2 days of sleep . I even take one melatonin and selnor my dr put me on and still no sleep . tried 2 benadryl and flexerol even a stomach pill my doctor put me on a long time ago that use to work and she wrote out the new sleeping meds but I could not afford them so that was out . my insurence wouldnt pay for it . I won't sleep tonight either and last night maybe a hour .. Why cant we sleep ! ?
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it was ambien My insurence wouldnt pay for ! That I couldnt afford and I have tried herbal teas of all kinds .. Even antidepressant couldnt knock me out .. I think I fight my sleep !
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Sly, try Zzzquil. Liquid form about $6.00 a bottle for the store brand. The bottle will last a couple of weeks.
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It is so hard to even do anything in the day because of no sleep at night ! I feel like the walking dead Just to make my self do anything . Its been months and months . Even when I was in the hospital in dec when they removed my thyroid the min I woke up i never would go back to sleep and they put me in the room with this woman I sat up in the bed all night because she wanted the tv off ! Sit up in the dark all night !
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Anyone with serious sleep problems should see a sleep specialist. Most internists and general practitioners and even many psychiatrists don't know beans about sleep problems.
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I usually fall asleep ok, but wake frequently with worries, anxiety, and sometimes scary dreams. I read or watch old movies in the middle of the night. A nice, warm, bubble bath with a favorite bath gel works wonders.
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I have used Melatonin and it usually works for me. However, I have often found that Ibuprofen p.m. will also work. However, you don't want to use this nightly. I use it about once a week. It's very difficult to find something that works and is not addictive. I found with the Ibuprofen that it's worth it to take it now and then for a good night's sleep.
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Funny you asked this question. I have that same problem which kicked up another notch about a year ago. Hubby told me I had lost my mind and was having a nervous breakdown. A pill like Benadryl stopped working. I would feel so tired yet my eyes upon looking in the mirror would be so big like someone had placed sticks between the lids to keep them open. Drinking something warm did nothing and neither did bubble baths or showers. Stronger sleep aids I did not care for any longer because I have a 45-minute drive to work. Now I take one called MidNite, (white and blue package). It is found in the same section as other sleep aids and headache pills. I can take one on most days and wake feeling refreshed. I have also had to take a second one around 5 am a few times but I am still able to wake up around 9 am. I’m not hung over. I tried the 6mg melatonin and same problems – no sleep.

Benadryl sent me over the edge. I don’t know if I had been dreaming or what. But story goes hubby and I had been sitting in living room watching a movie and I had fallen asleep. He woke me up to go to bed and I immediately attached him. Diving on top and chocking him and hitting. Once he got me to snap out of the fog, I was so embarrassed. So no more Benadryl for me.
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