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When possible I have the bills automatically charged to my mother's credit card. That way I don't have to worry about entering the payment into her bank ledger each month. Two of her bills are set up with automatic ACH because they charge more to use credit cards. Setting up online accounts is simple as long as you have the right information. I love the autopay features, though we have to remember to discontinue them when needed.
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Most of us will agree that paying bills electronically is much easier than doing it all by hand, writing out checks, and mailing in the bills. But for many elderly people this is very challenging. If your elderly loved one wishes to learn the new technology then by all means teach them but if they're resistant you may never be able to convince them that doing it electronically is the easier and more convenient way.
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That can be done on-line with the various companies that the elder wants payments made automatically. If you have a lap top or a hand held device that gets the Internet, you can help the elder set up an automatic payment account.

One word of caution, make sure the bank account can handle the monthly bills. I assume the elder's Social Security and pension [if any] goes into that account.

Who is this person's financial Power of Attorney? If it is you, that is great. If not, then it is up to that person to make any of the financial arrangements.
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