
The questionThe question is actually about myself, I'm getting ready to turn 64 im a disabled Vet and I have A lot of health issues, I am also on a lot of different medications, I have stage 3 COPD And in the last 4 to 5 years I have lost over 60 pounds, I have asked numerous doctors and went through many tests and still have not got the answers I'm looking for? They claim my metabolism is so high That I cannot gain any weight, At one time they said I have an overactive thyroid and I was taking medicine for it but it did not help at all, I have tried so many products from gain weight protein mix shakes, boost, and many other brands of breakfast drinks, I eat a lot of protein, meat, chicken and rice, Peanut butter, Ect.. And foods With tons of calories, I also consume a lot of sugar But I am hyperglycemic I have low sugar So that's not a problem for me, At 1 time I weighed a 180 pounds but held steady around 170, Now I Weigh less than I did in high school, around 125 pounds, If anyone can come up with some real ideas that may help please let me know? I will try anything.

COPD, particularly if you have the emphysema component causes high metabolism. Eating might even interfere with your breathing. Your ability to breathe is like running a marathon all day long. There is a test to determine how many calories you burn and I expect it is at least 2500 per day. You need a dietician.. There are special nutritional drinks that are like Ensure but formulated towards COPD.
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Reply to MACinCT
MrSteveC1961 Dec 19, 2024
Thank you so much for your Welcome advice, And yes you're right, If I eat The amount I used to It's very hard to breathe, So what I Started doing now is eating smaller meals multiple times a day, And I do drink the Ensure plus 350 calories per drink, plus gain weight muscle milk shakes 32 grams of protein per drink, I cannot exercise at all due to other physical problems, but I am active Doing as much as possible? Thank again for your help...
Soft French Cheeses , Eggs , Pasta , Bread and Butter .
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Reply to KNance72
lealonnie1 Dec 14, 2024
There's 78 calories in an egg!
See 1 more reply
I agree that you should make an appointment with a nutritionist. Your weight may or may not be healthy depending on other factors, like gender and height. Make sure the nutritionist knows you had other testing done and provide the test results to her/him if you have them.

Hyperglycermia can be connected to or part of diabetes. You don't mention having it, so I'm assuming you've been tested. however (from a browser search) there's this:

"Non-diabetic hyperglycemia: High blood sugar can also occur in individuals without diabetes, especially during stressful situations or after consuming large amounts of sugar."

You stated:

" I also consume a lot of sugar But I am hyperglycemic"

So, it's possible you are creating a circular problem for yourself.

I think continuing to talk to a doctor and nutritionist will help you since we are neither of those professions.
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Reply to Geaton777
MrSteveC1961 Dec 19, 2024
Thanks for advice, I am hypercrisimic, I've had low sugar for many years, I don't have diabetes and never had high sugar, Every time I get it checked it's absolutely perfect, Diabetes runs in my family but thankfully I don't have it....
I will be frank with you here. You are likely to live much longer thin as a rail.
My own partner weighs only about 130 and has severe GERD and eats little. He doesn't gain even with the products you mention. His doctors tell him he is the healthiest 84 year old they have; no plague in his arteries and perfect balance.
In age you need VERY little to sustain life. Most seniors eat less and less and less and they live on and on.
I wouldn't over worry this. Do the best you are able, enjoy what you eat, and if your doctors have no major concerns re yoiur weight then you should not either. If they DO have concerns they can send you to a nutritionist.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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