
My grandmother already spoke to the bank and doesn't want her money back or to press charges. What can they do?

I was being paid to take care of her at 30 an hour, and she also helped when I needed it. She is of sound mind and she has plenty of money to live off of (for those that asked).
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waytomisery 6 hours ago
If grandma is of sound mind, I would assume she could answer on her on behalf to the investigators that she approved these withdrawals .

Does she have any memory issues ? If so that can be a problem .

If you are to continue getting paid to care for her , grandma should go to an eldercare lawyer to help draw up a contract stating that she will be paying you for her care and how much .
Ihaveaquestion, welcome to the forum. When you get a chance please fill out your Profile page, that will give us more information to help us with answering your questions, this one and later ones you may have .

Example, how old is your grandmother, is she closer to 60 or closer to 90? Does she have any memory issues, such as dementia. Does she understand fully what happened with her bank account?

Did your grandmother say it was ok for you to withdraw money from her account whenever you needed it? That is where one would need to know if she had memory issues. Plus, can Grandmother afford to let you use her money? As she may need those funds in case she needs to enter a senior facility in the future. Senior facilities are quite expensive, and/or hiring more help at home as time goes on.

Or if she cannot budget for a senior facility, would need to apply for Medicaid (which is different from Medicare) to go into a nursing home. Medicaid will see these withdrawals to you, and consider them "gifts", which are not allowed under Medicaid rules.
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I was taking care of her being paid, and would help me when I needed it. One of my family members got mad and took her to the bank to see how much. The bank asked her if she wanted her money back or to press charges she said no. I think the bank called on me.
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AlvaDeer 10 hours ago
How much money would you say you have taken from your grandmother? The state takes very seriously financial abuse of elders. I would cooperate fully to the extent you are able and answer all questions honestly. That's really the best you can do NOW. I am assuming that you know what you did was wrong? Or were you thinking these were gifts and fine to accept?
More information is needed.
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