My Mom lives with me & my very supportive partner. My mom was a really great mother, super sweet & caring until my dad passed. I have 1 sister, somehow I became the scapegoat. She is 94 & mostly mean now, she has a lot of memory problems. I get her meds, make her food, take her to all her docs & appts, keep her company & help her in every possible way. I am blamed for everything. She talks smack about me behind my back to my sister. I am by nature an optimist, but the mean talk & blame gets so bad that I am constantly upset. I get that sometimes when someone has dementia they can take it out on their caregiver, but it's out of control. I also resent my sister for not sticking up for me & for not being more involved with the care of my mom. She could easily share the responsibility, but won't.
I think it makes it worse, because I remember how sweet my mom used to be & I don't know this mean person who took over her body. If I stand up for myself & say something like “ you hurt my feelings when you talk about me like that” she will go into hysterics & say I am causing her to feel ill or will lock her door & then blame it all on me to my sister. I find myself dreading to be with her & then feel guilty. It's very sad & I'm unsure of how to handle it?