
My mother is currently on Medicaid and receiving Community Based Services. I am her adult disabled child whom receives SSDI. Since she is already receiving Medicaid, is she able to transfer her home to me?

No, it would be considered defrauding the State. The home is an asset that Medicaid can recover what they paid out on Moms care when she passes. At the time of passing, a Recovery letter will be sent to you asking what assets she has which will be the house. At that time you tell them that you are a disabled child living in the home. You may need to prove you can pay the bills, taxes and upkeep. You maybe able to remain in the home but if you leave, sell or die, that lien thats placed on the house, has to be satisfied.

You can talk to Moms caseworker to see if I am correct. I don't see a need for an elder lawyer until Moms passing and you have a problem with remaining in the home. I paid 5k retainer when I thought I may have problems with Moms house. That was 8 yrs ago.
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Reply to JoAnn29

No, she is almost certainly not able to. HOWEVER there are often ways that this home can be protected and passed to you due to your disability, and you absolutely must know how and what ways they are. I think no one here is specialized enough to let you know what those ways are for your particular state, unless it would be Igloo who is very knowledgeable on all things Medicare and Medicaid and so on.
There ARE special trusts. I am going to refer you to an attorney because this is something you cannot afford to miss out on if you qualify.

I wish you the best of luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

maurice1972, welcome to the forum. This question is best answered by an Elder Law Attorney as each State has different rules/regulations regarding Medicaid.
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Reply to freqflyer

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