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What reason have they given you that you are not included in said care?
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I'm taking this as you are being pushed out of caring for you mom, by your siblings?

If that is the case, there could be many reasons. I'll tell you why I'm always pushed out, is because I see reality, and my family does not, they want to live in their world of denial, not accept moms age or decline, and those are also the ones mom wants around her, the ones that believe her stories. That a degenerative spine is nothing more than, " a little sciatica"

That is just one possibility, really need lots more info, if you can fill us in.

Moms health?
Is she home? Alone?
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Reply to Anxietynacy

I can’t tell if they won’t let you give care or if you are caregiving all by yourself.
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Reply to anonymous1784938

Are you out in the cold doing all of the caregiving or none of the caregiving?
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Reply to Daughterof1930

Maybe repost this in the form of a question? Or are you just venting?
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Reply to Geaton777

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