I have been going out of my way to accommodate my 84yr old mother food requests. I am understanding about taste buds issues of the elderly. My mom will ask for food to waste it. Then turns around within 20 min asking for something else. She remembers wasting the other food. She also refuses to eat leftovers. We can't afford it and I'm over it after 2yrs of it.
As was the case with my grandmother, it could potentially be dementia or Alzheimer's at work.
The food banks in my area have no income thresholds so that might be something to check into to help your budget.
I am just curious why you haven't told her to stuff her nasty threats and why you put up with someone that is all there, according to you, threatening your very freedom, because senior abuse is taken seriously and she is risking your life with her lies. Grow up and tell her that her free ride has just ended and her hateful a$$ is going to be placed for her own well-being and your life.
If there is nothing wrong with your mum - she's just old, but an adult nevertheless - then she should understand that you're not there to wait on her. She's lucky you are looking after her at all.
If your mum continues to make your life miserable, then you should part ways. There is no good reason to make your life worse for the sake of hers.
Stop the madness. No one gets snacks every twenty minutes not even kids.
Keep a steady supply of crackers and canned soups, and tuna, luncheon meat. Meals would be three times a day. If she decides to complain and feed it to the dog, that's on her.
Telling and threatening you are mean and she is going to tell everyone you are mean, I would find a nice place where she could live. Mom is not in charge of your home. You are in charge. It is not elder abuse to take a stand.
I spent $300.00 dollars on groceries for myself and I still don't have everything in the house that I need. Sure, it's easy to holler you want to eat every twenty minutes when you are not footing the bill.
Who listens to Teepa Snow. I'm with Burnt on this one. Send Teepa the bill. While you're at it, I'll include my bill also! LOL