I was raised in a deeply Religious household.
So today is Good Friday. It's a public holiday.
I encountered some other university students taking a beach trip and they invited me. But I just couldn't bring myself to go.
Why ?
Because of my mother.
My mother always said "you shouldn't go on any fun/recreational activity on Good Friday or else something bad will happen" ... this was literally a house rule growing up.
My Mom had me convinced that if I went out anywhere fun on Good Friday... it would be "mocking God" and that some final destination freak accident would happen.
I have this fond memory of myself in high-school literally trying to sneak out of the house to play basketball one Good Friday morning...only for my Mom to meet me at the front door saying:
"Son. Do you want to get hit by a bolt of lightning? Or suffer a stroke ? Or get hit by a car? Or have a power line outside snap and fall on you?...go back to your room and change."
Thiking about it now it's kinda funny.
I swear my Mom could have written a Final Destination movie...for all the weird freak scenarios she would come up with to scare me out of going out on Good Friday.
Well. I may not be able to explain it ...but I haven't been in any freak accidents so...(shrugs shoulders).
How about you guys ?
Any weird habits of your parents you find yourselves unwittingly carrying on ?
Once in awhile I'll hear myself use an expression mom used to say. Then I'm like WHAAAAAT? 😂🤣😃 Who said that? Not moi!
My vote is to go out today to see for yourself that it's safe to do so with no freak accidents lurking in the shadows. If something happens though, I never made that suggestion in the first place!
Happy Easter!
Well the day is already over. So maybe next year.
W/O a doubt there are many things that they've inherited from me that they'd rather not have--but that's life.
I don't see a lot of my mom in me, but I do hope I am like my grandmothers, who were both amazing women.
I had great parents, but there were a few things I found annoying, and as a kids would say to myself "Well, I will NEVER as long as I live say THAT or think THAT....."
A surprise then, several decades ago, to find myself saying EXACTLY that, and thinking that, as well.
Alas. Perhaps we DO become our parents?
Happy Easter to all. My parents made spectacular Easter Baskets, and I always had new patent leather shoes on the occasion.
I can't imagine that.
Then again. I remember a game of cat and mouse that used to go on every night where my Dad would wait for me to fall asleep.. then switch of the fans...then I would wake up and put ir back on ....then in the morning he would tel me about the electric bill LOL.
My father used to have a huge bowl of mixed dry cereals for breakfast, the last items added were cake or cookie crumbs. Worked quite well to get our (then) young kids to eat breakfast!
Are these odd habits?
We're Jewish, and the tradition is to leave a stone on top of the gravestone when you visit. I leave a Snicker's bar on my father's and hard candy on my grandmother's instead. I think it's much more meaningful.
My mom didn’t care about us getting dirty while playing but she always made sure that we had clean hands before sitting down at the dinner table.
I am fanatical about hand washing!
To this day whenever it snows my children will text me and ask if I’m having grilled cheese for lunch !
Only recently my daughter asked why I did that. I hadn’t realized that I never told them that’s what I ate on snow days as a kid. It’s warm comfort food on a cold snowy day .
(if you currently have no snow, no problem. i'll bring snow.)