So lately Mom (88) has been sleeping more and more and is grumpier than ever. She lives with myself, DH and 2 kids but she is really starting to put a strain on things. She gets up in the AM and used to be up all day til around 7pm or so maybe taking a nap while the kids were at school but lately she is sleeping more and more to the point where it seems like that is all she wants to do. We've tried getting her involved in senior center activities etc. but she's not the least bit interested in any of it. She normally is in bed by 7pm and not up til 8am. It's embarassing for the kids to have friends over or try and plan stuff because when we do she throws a bully fit and I of course feel bad and will stay back with her. I get the fact that she's old but how can someone possibly sleep that much? She has a hard time getting around because of arthritis but she still has her wits about her so the thoughts of putting her elsewhere seems like a losing battle. I'm getting at my wits end with her since she is my mom but it's not fair to the rest of the household either. At this point not sure what to do next........