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My mother was in a nursing home in Virginia she got Medicade there and didn't have to cash in her policies, when I moved her here with me in Arkansas then later had to admit her to a nursing home because she had gotten worse I had to cash the policies in because they had cash value. After cashing in I had to turn around and have a counter check written to the nursing home for the exact amount the polices were. This really put me in a finacial bind upon her death, I had her flown to Virginia to be buried beside my dad, so now I am stuck paying for that bill which the policies would of taken care of. Medicade does not care, if your love one has anything that is of value they are going to take it to cover the cost of the facility and medical needs. You work hard all your life and end up giving everything to the state in the end.
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Look at the policy. If you are listed as the owner, it does not get cashed in.
If he is the owner, he has to use the cash value to pay for his care.
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Realize each state runs it's Medicaid program uniquely even through it is a federal & state program.
For the insurance, the ? Medicaid need to know is ownership of the policy and whether it has any cash value which would be an asset of the owner. So who owns the policy? If you own the policy, then it's not dad's asset and it should not have been listed as his asset. But if he owns the policy, even if you or another kid pays the policy, then it's his asset. If it has a cash value, the cash value has to spent down on his care before Medicaid will pay. If the policy is over a set amount, the state can ask for details on the policy as to beneficiary. If the policy beneficiary is his estate, then you can expect the state to file a claim (this would be a Class 7 claim for TX probate) for the proceeds from the insurance policy to repay the state for his Medicaid costs. This ability is indicated in the Medicaid application as "Acknowledgement of Participation". MERP for TX is now being out-sourced too.
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