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"He's so much more "alive" now when I talk to him each night." 

Isn't that what matters?

Mutual friends at a church they've both attended for many years, and whom you're presumably happy for your father to associate with, introduced them.

You say you're concerned that things are moving too quickly, but then again as you also say he hasn't exactly got time to hang around. He did his duty by your mother and kept his vow. She's got her own house and her own family. She doesn't allow him to drive under the influence, which shows that she doesn't let fear of gossip overrule common sense.

Seriously - what has anybody got against this relationship? Have you heard anything at all from anybody that tends to substantiate your husband's suspicions? May they make each other very happy for as much time as they're blessed with.
Helpful Answer (13)
sp19690 Nov 2022
I don't know it sounds like she was taking advantage of him by getting him drunk and then going back to his place. I hope she didn't ruffie him.
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graygrammie, ahhhh puppy love at 92, so sweet. When we were all young, didn't such love move along rather quickly? No different in our later years.

Go to thanksgiving dinner since it was also your Dad inviting you and your hubby to join them. If hubby doesn't go, well that will be his lost on meeting the family and enjoying the day.

What do your grown children think about grandpa and his lady friend? If they are all positive, that's a good sign.

As for your hubby's remarks, I see on your profile that hubby was a Pastor, so maybe in his mind, if someone dies, the remaining spouse should not date. I remember over a half century ago, in one old country culture the widow had to wear black the rest of her life and never marry again.
Helpful Answer (5)
graygrammie Nov 2022
You are right -- he told me he would never consider remarriage if I died. I was stunned and asked him why not and he said because he was only supposed to be the husband of one wife. I disagree.

I do hope I can meet J when we visit right before Christmas. My kids don't know about it yet. My sister seems to be fine with it.
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I think your husband, dementia or not, is thinking the way many people think. I also think you should make it a point to get to know the person your dad is spending so much time with. Whether it is at this event or just the three of you.
Her children may be just as concerned as you are. Should your dad become ill, there goes their mother’s life into caregiving. Of course it could happen the other way. No guarantees in life.
I would go, look out for the family member you might be able to connect with, perhaps exchange phone numbers. Do you go to the same church? You might get yet another impression there.
I would also not be shy about having a conversation with dad about the realities of life. Are you already his POA, have access to his finances, understand his financial situation? at 92 he most likely has medical issues of one type or another. Perhaps you have already gone to his doctors with him?
My mom could easily prepare a large meal and did in her 80s. She still had a large veggie garden at 90. Her problems began in her 90s.
I would be open and honest, express my concerns (after you figure out what they are) and support your dad in his decisions. After all, they are his decisions and how small it would be to choose to have him lonely and alone over money.
I have had several widowed men in my family remarry. Not as old as your dad. For the most part it worked out very well. They all lived with the second spouse until death and it was a true blessing on the caregiving front.
I had an aunt who had a boyfriend she traveled with for years. They never married. She built a new home at 80 and tongue wagers thought it foolish. When he got ill she visited him in his nursing home until he passed. She lived in her home for 24 years where she died at 104.
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As long as his finances are safe then I see no issue.

A very good friend of mines father lost his wife of 60 years, he hooked up with a lady who he married at age 90, died at 92 and she had him make her beneficiary for everything he owned and changed his will, his children got nothing.

This is very common here in Florida, she went on to marry another old man, he died too, she got his money as well. She is good at what she does, I think she is now with another sucker.
Helpful Answer (4)
Cover999 Nov 2022
Smart lady
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I would just be certain that finances have been protected as best they should be regardless…

Your dad probably is happy having companionship!
Helpful Answer (7)

Your husband suffers from Dementia. They become paranoid. Seems this woman wants to introduce you to her family. Gold diggers do not do this. They isolate the person they are going after. Put ideas in the persons head so they turn on family. From what you describe Dads friend seems to be very nice. Let Dad be happy and don't listen to a husband who can no longer reason.

I agree you should make an effort to at least stop in. Maybe go for dessert. Make Dad and girlfriend aware that with having Dementia DH would not do well in a crowd. Be happy for Dad, his days are numbered.

"This means his car was at her house all night, are the rumors going to start?" I had to laugh at this. I would say the neighbors would say "Good for them". I was 30 living on the highway when I was dating my DH. He had a regular size van with a big L shaped blue decal on the sides. No other Vans like it. Small town so sure everyone knew whose Van was in my driveway overnight.

My GFs father dated the nicest woman in his early 80s. His kids just loved her. He wanted to marry her, she did not want to marry. A lot of women do not want to remarry. IMO my Uncle had the best relationship. J had her house and he had his. They traveled together, went to dinner and came to family functions together but never married. Just be happy for Dad. Best thing you can do is get to know this woman.
Helpful Answer (7)
MeDolly Nov 2022
Gold Diggers do introduce the target to their family, it builds a stronger bond. I have seen it over and over again, Florida is a hot spot for fleecing widows & widowers.
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Neither one of them is married, so no, there's no "affair." Tell your husband to get his mind out of the gutter.

I say be happy for your dad. It really stinks to be alone, and if these two are enjoying one another's company, good for them.

Obviously it's important that his finances are protected, but otherwise, stop treating Joan with suspicion. You missed an important opportunity to get to know her better by skipping her dinner, not to mention that it was rude. The more you're engaged with her, the less likely she'd be someone who'd fleece your dad. I'd be more suspicious of someone who didn't want to get to know you.

This is more about you having trouble accepting Dad being with someone other than your mother. I get it -- my mother flipped out when my grandfather started seeing and ultimately marrying another woman four years after my grandmother died. I believe he was looking for not only companionship, but a caregiver for his final years, and that's exactly what he got in marrying a much-younger woman. My mom was never all that nice to Ruth which was really cruddy of her, because Ruth was part of our family for 50 years and was the only grandmother I really knew.

Don't be like that.
Helpful Answer (9)
graygrammie Nov 2022
Hey, your first sentence is exactly what I have said to dh. He told me I was naive. Yes, I agree, I do need to get to know her. Dad has gotten to know her family and it turns out one of her sons lives about 30 minutes from us. (Dad lives five hours away from us.)
Sounds like your dad is having a nice time. If they are having an "affair" God bless them for having a sex drive at their ages. If they are not having an "affair" then they are keeping good company. Have a heart-to-heart with dad and give him a heads up not to sign any papers with this woman. BTW, an inheritance is a nice thing to receive, but it's not "yours". It's your father's money/belongings. Anyway, good luck and let them live a little.
Helpful Answer (6)
Cover999 Nov 2022
They may be just being with each other, not necessarily "doing it". 😄
How wonderful that your father has found someone that makes him happy and feel alive again. What a true blessing for sure!
Instead of being upset or suspicious of this relationship, you and your husband should be happy for him. I don't read anything in what you've written that should make you or hubby be concerned, as your father is a grown ass man and should be allowed to follow his heart.
And if your husband has dementia, you already know that his brain is broken, so I wouldn't take serious anything he has to say about the matter. You say that your husband is often right when he "feels something" but again, that was then this is now....a man with a broken brain, and paranoia is often a symptom of dementia.
So let your father enjoy whatever happiness he may have before he dies, and go and enjoy Thanksgiving with her. You can leave hubby home if he doesn't want to go.
Helpful Answer (8)
graygrammie Nov 2022
Leaving hubby home is not an option, unfortunately. And I am happy for dad, just trapped by dh's gloom and doom attitude.
It sounds to me like there are more up sides than down sides here, your dad is happy and full of life, he isn’t lonely anymore and he’s getting out, a lot by the sounds of it. So what if your husband is rite, your dad is happy and even with dementia that’s what I would say to your husband. My dad is happy and full of life again, “I want to be a part of that and spend time with the woman who is such a big part of that”. Your husband doesn’t have to go visit if he doesn’t want to and perhaps her family Thanksgiving dinner given it’s so large isn’t the place to take your husband but I would definitely make other opportunities. Truth is you will never know or truly appreciate their relationship until you spend time with them together and time with Dad alone and if you aren’t open to a relationship with this new woman you will create distance with Dad and if she’s a gold digger that plays rite into her hand. But more important you won’t have the opportunity to spend enjoyable time with him, enjoy his joy!

If the relationship goes further and marriage is even on the horizon and your mom and dad have a substantial estate that’s when you address the financial stuff, maybe contact his lawyer if he has one and make sure everything is protected for both he and his new lady, who knows maybe she is the one with the money! If his estate isn’t large just comfortable I would let it go for his happiness, it is after all his and for him to live as he wants. You don’t mention dementia as part of your dads life so I am assuming he is cognitively competent. What I’m saying is don’t put the cart before the horse, live in the here and now enjoying your dad and his life with one eye on the future so you can steer it before it’s too late but not living for it. I’m happy for your dad and it sounds to me like you are too really, why buy trouble by falling into your husbands over the top stand. Maybe he’s rite and maybe not but for now your dad is using her as much as she might be using him and he at least is happy, just enjoy that!
Helpful Answer (4)
graygrammie Nov 2022
Thank you. Yes, I am pleased for dad -- and feel like I am a crumb in dh's eyes for not "confronting" dad about this relationship. Dh's favorite imagined calling in life (he was a pastor) was to "confront" people with their sin (often just perceived in his mind). The minute he uses the word "confront" my brain shuts down.

I said Joan seems to be full of energy. After two full days of cooking she hosted two big gatherings on Wednesday and Thursday and dad attended both. He is certainly getting to know her family! He went out Friday night with her and several of her kids and their families.

We went to dh's maternal side of the family Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever. I literally called and invited ourselves. I guess they just assumed we had other things to do. Dh made it a walk-down-memory-lane day -- visited his parents' grave, visited the house he grew up in that his dad built, drove past his grade school, drove past our second house. I thought it would be overwhelming to him but it actually seems to have given him some closure. He only held up at the family gathering for two hours before he wanted to leave. But at least he got to see family he hasn't seen for years.

So our Thanksgiving turned out the right way for us. We now plan to visit dad right before Christmas. I'm sure Joan will be even more entrenched in the picture! Could be very interesting.
Let them have this happiness. Sounds like your FIL has all his mind and therefore gets to make his own decisions. But, whoever is his FPoA needs to help him make sure all his assets are protected as best as possible. Not for inheritance but for his future care. It would not be wise for them to mingle anything at this stage. The best thing might be for your FIL to create a trust.

It would also be good for you to get to know her better, and to know how to contact her family (and her PoA) if there was ever cause to need to do so. Even them living together could create family confusion when one or both of them inevitably require outside help: who steps in to do what? You can read about this issue on this forum from those who went through it. Her kids should be her PoA and your FIL should have his own family be his PoA. Anything other than this is asking for problems down the road.
Helpful Answer (5)
Cover999 Nov 2022
😆. Do you think every senior of a certain age needs someone to care of or them?
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Good for dad! Your husband is developing dementia so his perceptions can be way off. Keep a watchful eye, find someone to visit with hubby and go to thanksgiving dinner. Do not even try to get hubby there is would ruin your enjoyment of the dinner.
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