The AgingCare forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best suggestions for staying active, relaxing and maintaining relationships in the new year.
1 CommentI just returned from ten days in Florida visiting my family. My get-away was surprisingly relaxing.
6 CommentsI haven't been away from Charlie for more than two hours at a time since July of 2013, but this caregiver needs a break.
11 CommentsI ran away today. I suppose it was long overdue.
34 CommentsYou deserve a break, but how can you avoid spending your respite time worrying about what’s happening at home? Ample planning will ensure your loved one’s needs are met and minimize your anxiety, allowing you to fully disconnect.
67 CommentsWhen you finally manage to take time to unwind, do you find it difficult to relax? If so, you’re not alone. Learn how to switch off “caregiver mode” so you can fully benefit from valuable respite time.
19 CommentsFor caregivers and their loved ones with dementia, respite care is critical. Finding the best type of short-term dementia care depends on a senior’s mental and physical health, the extent of their care team’s support, and their budget.
1 CommentConsider giving yourself the gift of a reprieve from your caregiving duties. Finding respite care for a senior loved one might be easier than you think. Respite helps keep seniors engaged and gives family caregivers a chance to recharge their batteries.
87 CommentsThis checklist can help ease the caregiver’s mind, knowing that the person providing respite care for the elderly parent has all the information he or she needs.
9 CommentsIn Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, clinging and following behavior is often referred to as “shadowing.” Learn how to prevent this exhausting symptom from interfering with your caregiving tasks and precious respite time.
4 CommentsEligibility for the PCAFC has been expanded to veterans of all eras, which means that more caregivers may be able to receive benefits like counseling, respite, and VA stipends for providing care.
4 CommentsAs a dementia patient, I see how much my wife handles on a daily basis. Caregivers like her are far from invincible, though, and it’s important for the entire family to recognize this and make respite time a regular occurrence.
3 CommentsChronic stress can lead to heart problems, sleep disorders, inflammation, compromised immune function and depression. All caregivers must learn to effectively manage their stress levels. Otherwise, our care recipients may outlive us.
24 CommentsFamily caregivers often think that taking a vacation with an elderly parent or relative who requires special care is out of the question. But with careful planning and some minor accommodations, many seniors can still participate in family vacations.
3 CommentsA popular belief is that professional caregivers aren't as emotionally invested in the well-being of their elderly clients and therefore the care they provide is substandard compared to that of family caregivers. But how true is this assumption?
5 CommentsI'm having trouble trying to find respite care for Charlie while I undergo knee replacement surgery. He simply doesn't want to accept outside help.
28 CommentsIt’s natural to be cautious about hiring outside help to care for someone you love. Understanding exactly how home care works enables you to address concerns head on and make confident care decisions for your family.
39 CommentsThe longer you spend caring for someone, the more likely you are to experience negative emotions like resentment and caregiver guilt. Use this simple technique to help you prioritize positivity, self-care and flexibility on stressful days.
10 CommentsThis is my story about how I committed to caregiving, adapted to my role, overcame caregiver burnout, and learned to thrive despite the many hurdles and setbacks I faced.
12 CommentsCaring for an aging loved one has a way of taking over your life. Learn how scheduling respite time in a dedicated location can help you reclaim your personal space and give you well-deserved peace of mind.