Family Caregiver

  • Caught in the “Fix-It Trap” While Caregiving? You May Be Headed for Burnout

    When family caregivers enter a downward spiral of trying to fix everything that’s wrong with their ailing loved ones, it leads to hopelessness, frustration and exhaustion. That’s when burnout strikes.

  • How Involved Should Families Be When Elders Live in a Senior Living Facility?

    Striking a careful balance is crucial when it comes to visits and family involvement at a long-term care facility.

  • Coping With Caregiver Anger

    Feelings of anger, frustration and resentment are all too common when caring for an aging loved one. Identifying how you cope with these emotions can help you devise strategies for managing caregiver anger in healthier ways.

  • What Happens When a Senior Can No Longer Care for Their Pet?

    Pets provide much-needed companionship to people of all ages, especially seniors. But when elderly pet owners find themselves unable to take care of their animals, rehoming is often the best course of action.

  • Overcoming Negative Emotions While Caregiving

    How does a caregiver break the cycle of negative thinking? Learn to manage feelings of resentment, anger and guilt brought about by caring for an elderly loved one.

  • How Caring for a Spouse Can Strengthen Your Bond

    Transitioning from a partner to a caregiver brings forth a host of emotions. A wife shares her struggle with deciding to be her husband’s primary caregiver and making the best of every day with him.

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  • When a Serious Diagnosis Causes a Senior to Consider Suicide

    Receiving the news of a serious diagnosis like cancer or dementia may cause a senior to consider suicide, but caregiver intervention and the development of productive coping techniques can help.

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  • Improving Caregiver Well-Being

    Caregiving is often stressful and can lead to a dangerous condition called caregiver burnout. When your day-to-day life revolves around someone else, how do you begin to make yourself a priority?

  • Tired of Living: What to Do When an Elderly Person Wants to Die

    It’s shocking for a caregiver to hear a loved one state they would rather be dead. When an elder speaks about wanting to die, it may be a sign of depression, or it could indicate that they just want to talk about the physical and emotional toll of aging.

  • Questions a Caregiver Should Ask about Parkinson's Disease

    A Parkinson's diagnosis brings many questions about treatment, progression, alternative therapies, and medications. Becoming an informed caregiver is the best method of preparation to make confident decisions while caring for a loved one with Parkinson's.

  • A Guide to Caring for Narcissistic Parents

    Narcissists have a limited ability to love other people and value their emotions. Accepting this reality will help you come to terms with your uniquely difficult caregiving role and set boundaries with your narcissistic mother or father.

  • Should You Quit Your Job To Care for Your Elderly Parent?

    Most adult children do what they can to help out when Mom and Dad’s needs increase, but is giving up work to care for elderly parents wise?

  • A New Generation of Caregivers: Grandchildren Taking Care of Grandparents

    In situations where seniors’ adult children aren’t willing or able to assist with their care, grandchildren are rising to the occasion. These younger caregivers face countless challenges, but there are resources available to help them navigate this role.

  • Signs of Caregiver Burnout

    Learn how to recognize the subtle signs of increasing stress, understand your limits and maintain honest self-awareness throughout the caregiving journey to stop burnout in its tracks.

  • How to Talk to the Doctor About Your Elderly Parent or Spouse

    Seniors may mislead their doctors due to fear, denial or a phenomenon called “showtiming.” Fortunately, there are some tips that caregivers can use to ensure doctors are well-informed while their loved ones’ dignity remains intact.

  • Daily Life with Dementia: How to Take the Stress Out of Getting Dressed

    In the middle and later stages of dementia, dressing becomes a more challenging activity of daily living. Following a few simple suggestions can help make the process of getting dressed easier.

  • Reconciling Grief & Relief When the Loved One You Cared for Dies

    What happens when the person you care for dies and caregiving ends? For a family caregiver, relief after the death of a care recipient is a common yet conflicting occurrence.

  • The Financial Costs of Caregiving

    Caregivers should think twice before quitting a job. When caregivers cut their hours or quit their jobs to take care of elderly parents, their own pension benefits, Social Security contributions and retirement savings are impacted.

  • Father’s Day As a Caregiver: Remembering Dad Before Dementia

    Father's Day is a great time to remember who your dad used to be before age-related changes set in. Sometimes you forget how vibrant and caring he was, but the truth is he’s still that person on the inside—and he always will be.

  • New Caregivers: Tips on Caring for Elderly Parents

    Whether caregiving has slowly crept into your daily life or you’re suddenly facing difficult decisions following a serious health scare, use these pointers as a guide for caring for an elderly parent.

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