Caregiver Support

  • Supportive Services Can Help Caregivers Find a Middle Ground

    Caring for a loved one doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" situation. Discover the services and options available to alleviate some of your daily caregiving responsibilities.

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  • Caring for My Husband Made Me Realize the Value of Social Support for Caregivers

    One of the best forms of “help” a family caregiver can ask for is social support. Knowing that someone acknowledges and understands your hard work can be the difference between success and caregiver burnout.

  • A Recommended Reading List for Caregivers

    If you’re looking for a new perspective on aging, tips for communicating with elders, advice on setting boundaries or valuable insights on dementia care, pick up one of these acclaimed books about caregiving.

  • New Caregivers: Tips on Caring for Elderly Parents

    Whether caregiving has slowly crept into your daily life or you’re suddenly facing difficult decisions following a serious health scare, use these pointers as a guide for caring for an elderly parent.

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

  • What Is an Area Agency on Aging?

    Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) help seniors locate community resources that can assist them in remaining independent and safely aging in place. Find federal, state and local elder care services by contacting the Area Agency on Aging near you.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Incontinence Care Tips: How to Eliminate Stains and Odors

    Caring for an elderly loved one often involves cleaning up incontinence accidents. We’ve compiled caregivers’ best tips and advice for getting rid of urine stains.

  • Grief & Bereavement Top Tips: Where to Find Grief Counseling and Support Groups

    Bereavement groups are an important therapeutic tool for gaining information, outside support and coping strategies when dealing with loss. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for seeking support after the death of a loved one.

  • How to Identify and Minimize Caregiver Burden

    The heavy burden of caregiving can gradually overwhelm even the most devoted and best prepared individuals. Take a caregiver burden assessment to determine your level of burnout and find resources to reduce the stress of caring for an aging loved one.

  • Compassion Fatigue: When Caregivers Go Beyond Burnout

    Although caregivers are often cautioned against the dangers of burnout, there is an even more serious phenomenon called compassion fatigue that can be detrimental to both care providers and recipients.

  • A Self-Help Approach to Coping with Caregiver Stress

    It’s easy to get caught up in caregiving and let your own needs take a backseat, but your physical and mental health directly affect the quality of care you provide. Put yourself first by learning how to prioritize self-care and prevent caregiver burnout.

  • Early-Onset Alzheimer's: A Story of Love and Loss

    After my mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's, I had to learn to live in her world because she couldn't live in mine. This is a glimpse into my ongoing journey with Mom and how I have learned to fight back against dementia.

  • Sandwich Generation Caregivers: Pulled in Too Many Directions

    Being a parent or a caregiver is demanding enough, but when someone assumes both of these roles (sometimes in addition to working), the result can be daunting. It is vital that caregivers acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and ask for help.

  • How to Engage in Self-Care While Grieving

    Grief is an inescapable part of caregiving. We mourn an aging loved one’s physical and cognitive losses as they decline and eventually mourn their death. Self-care is vital to a caregiver’s physical and mental health throughout the grieving process.

  • Dementia Caregiving Tips from Teepa Snow

    Five dementia caregiving tips from Teepa Snow, acclaimed dementia care authority and occupational therapist known as “the horse whisperer of dementia.”

  • Caregivers Can Be Each Other’s Best Friend

    After more than 40 years, my childhood friend and I reconnected several years ago and were amazed to find that we fell back into step after all of those years. Our common connection: caregiving.

  • How to Manage Caregiver Guilt When Hiring a Home Health Aide

    Family caregivers often feel guilty about hiring in-home care for their aging loved ones, but there are steps you can take to feel at peace with this care decision.

  • Confronting a Serious Diagnosis like it's a House on Fire

    When we are confronted with a potentially fatal diagnosis for ourselves or a loved one, we can find ourselves caught up in endless cycle of "why." Don't get stuck questioning, take action for yourself and your loved ones.

  • Not Everyone Is Cut Out to Be a Caregiver

    Being a caregiver for an ill loved one is extremely challenging, and many people are torn about accepting this role. Even those who want to help may not have the resources, abilities or desire to provide hands-on care.

  • The Best Ways to Support a Caregiving Spouse

    When a spouse becomes a family caregiver for an aging or ill loved one, it can affect the marital relationship. As you brave this adjustment together, use these tips to show your husband or wife what you’re made of and how much your marriage means to you.

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