Family & Relationships

  • Caregiving With Siblings: Resolving Issues While Caring for Parents

    Issues between siblings often seem to come to a head when a parent begins requiring care. Use these pointers to improve communication skills, minimize dysfunction and recognize when it’s time to set boundaries with toxic siblings.

  • Saying “No” to Family Drama While Caregiving

    Relationships are often strained when a serious illness and caregiving enter the picture. But, if your interactions with certain relatives are increasingly stressful and negative, it may be time to shut down family drama once and for all.

  • Getting the Family to Agree on a Care Plan for an Older Adult

    Tempers can flare when an aging relative has a crisis and family members disagree on how to respond. Use these steps to help your family work as a cohesive team.

  • Family Meetings: Making Care Decisions for Aging Parents

    Immediate family often serves as the foundation of a senior’s care team, but relationship dynamics can hinder vital planning and decision-making processes. Discover simple do’s and don’ts that will make care meetings less complicated and more productive.

  • How to Handle Criticism While Caregiving

    Criticism is an inescapable part of life, especially for family caregivers. Although you aren’t likely to change how other people deliver their opinions, you can change how you perceive critical remarks and respond to them.

  • Our family can't agree on whether or not mom should move to assisted living. What's the solution?

    My elderly mother has dementia. How do I get my siblings to stop fighting me about moving mom to assisted living? We are at a standstill.

  • Why a Letter of Competency Should Be Part of Every Senior’s Legal File

    Adding this one simple step when creating or changing a will, powers of attorney and other crucial legal documents can prevent unnecessary stress, legal problems and familial discord down the road.

  • Wise Words from Mum on Living with Dementia

    Caring for Mom: Mum has been steadily declining and is struggling with how to enjoy life despite her growing limitations. Depression and dementia go hand in hand, it seems.

  • Caring for My Husband Made Me Realize the Value of Social Support for Caregivers

    One of the best forms of “help” a family caregiver can ask for is social support. Knowing that someone acknowledges and understands your hard work can be the difference between success and caregiver burnout.

  • Sex in the Time of Caregiving

    When combined, the stresses of caregiving and changes brought on by menopause can take a serious toll on a woman’s sex life. A women’s health expert shares how female caregivers can improve their sexual health and quality of life.

  • Early-Onset Alzheimer's: A Story of Love and Loss

    After my mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's, I had to learn to live in her world because she couldn't live in mine. This is a glimpse into my ongoing journey with Mom and how I have learned to fight back against dementia.

  • 10 Common Misconceptions About Aging

    Did you know that those who approach getting older with a positive outlook are more likely to live longer and have a better quality of life? Dismiss common myths about older adults and embrace aging with optimism.

  • Caregiving's Toll on Marriage: A Personal Story

    Taking care of a husband with cancer while raising three kids younger than ten was a future I never expected when we first said "I do."

  • “Elderspeak” Can Be Detrimental to Seniors’ Mental and Physical Health

    Most caregivers who use elderspeak do so with the goal of enhancing interactions with their elders, not degrading them. However, “endearing” pet names and juvenile turns of phrase can erode a senior’s self-esteem and breed resentment.

  • How to Manage Caregiver Guilt When Hiring a Home Health Aide

    Family caregivers often feel guilty about hiring in-home care for their aging loved ones, but there are steps you can take to feel at peace with this care decision.

  • 4 Steps for Successful Long-Term Care Planning With a Spouse

    As a couple, facing the financial and emotional requirements of long-term care is a challenge. Here are the four steps to successful long-term care planning with a spouse.

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  • My Nightly Ritual With Dad

    When I moved home to take care of my dad, I was determined to make the most of every remaining second we had together. I envisioned fun outings and reminiscing about the past, but it turns out that he had other plans in mind.

  • Elder Abuse: For Many Aging Americans, Home is Where the Fraud Is

    A nationwide elder abuse analysis has led to a surprising conclusion that could cause older Americans to think twice about trusting their money to those nearest and dearest to them.

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  • How Caregiving Can Help Us Rethink the Meaning of Motherhood

    As caregivers, how much do we owe our aging mothers? Learning to appreciate those who mothered us during our formative years and finding forgiveness in our hearts for those who faltered in these duties can help us come to terms with these relationships.

  • Isolation and Loneliness in Caregiving

    Loneliness is an unfortunate byproduct of caregiving that exacts an emotional toll and can jeopardize one’s physical health. Take these steps to combat isolation and nurture your relationships while caregiving.

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