
I'm tired of cooking/preparing 3 meals a day. It's just the two of us but boy oh boy can that woman eat!! She stays slimish, I get fattish. It's bad enough I do everything here much less start making her one thing and me the other. At times I feel guilty when I buy her fast food cuz of the nutritional value....not to mention I eat it too.

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Speaking of breasts, in school the guys used to say, flatsies, flatsies, there're flat and that's that. I was one of the flatsies. 😁

I never envied the girls with big boobs. I had a friend who had them and I'm sure no guy if asked could have told you what color her eyes were. Just saying.😶

Llama ,


way: No, that would not work out well for symmetry.

You can’t start a diet just before , or during a holiday weekend . That’s just punishment.

Black Cherries are back already. I recommend them for dropping a few pounds directly into the toilet! I cannot resist almost any fruit at this point, but mangos and cherries? Well, add a glass of keifer to that and you are set free.

I prefer not to talk about Day 2.

Yeah, I talked to my Chiro about it. He new of 3 , clients one had good results, one husband left her, and one had issues with hers.

I decided against it

cwillie...............what a giggle! I looked down to see what you were talking about and had to laugh.
As one who had one breast removed 35 years ago, and a good deal of the other just a couple of months ago, I feel I have little to contribute here other than that my daughter -- after years of pain--had a reduction two decades ago and is thankful to this day she did so. I, as an RN who saw all the ones that "went wrong" voted against, but as with so much in life, my vote just didn't count. Happily for her, for it all went really beautifully, figuratively and literally.

This conversation has taken a strange turn since I last checked in 👀

I was just a nice size until later 30s and years of breastfeeding. My sister breastfeed and lost all hers, mine grew. 🤷

That's awesome houseflower. Just putting my favorite bra on I feel free, so I get what your daughter must of gone through

My daughter had a reduction just after graduating high school. She was so busty she was not able to be active and was overweight. She never could wear the clothes the other girls did and had to buy matronly bathing suits. She hated it and she became very depressed. The worst was when the prom dress she loved could not be altered enough to fit her. That was when we decided to offer her the option for a breast reduction. Told her if she felt she needed to do this, we would help.

She went ahead iwith it at the age of 17. She became quite an athlete and was a happier person. It made a huge difference to her life. I was a nervous wreck about giving permission and second guessed myself a lot before the surgery but it turned out for the best.

Way, yeah I definitely should have, before I found a bra that really helped me I considered it. AlignMe. Com best bra I've ever found. When I first got one I put it on and it was an Ahhh moment.

If I walk and sweat to much I do get joggers nipples. Which isn't fun. Lol I just where nipple shields now.

Yeah, not sure why people want large breast.

It's one of those if I new in my 30s what I know now I would have .

I had a friend who had reduction in her late 20’s , she already had back pain so young . It cured the back pain at least . She was worried it wouldn’t .

Lol, I had an older friend, We were friends for a few years actually at the time she said this to me.

I was complaining about my back pain, she looked at me seriously and said , " maybe you should think about getting your implants removed" this whole time we were friends she thought I chose to carry around this weight. 😆. She sence passed, but it was funny.

I've considered reduction but that's a lot to , so I'm gonna stick with my 36DDs 😂 but I can't gain weight

Needs, that's an adorable story

Llama ,
I’m assuming the cousin on lay -a-way didn’t get one done at a time . 😂😂😂😂

Weight - or lack of it. I am a hypothyroid elder - when first dx'd ballooned to 222 #. Now I am barely hanging on to 115 #, but all lab values are normal.

Two cousins got boob jobs - one paid on lay-a-way!

Day 1 of trying to stop using food as a painkiller. The first 5 minutes are going great. This is going to be a cinch!

Good luck Bundle and anyone else trying to stop stress-eating!


That’s funny!

My first bra was a 28 triple A! I begged my mom for it! LOL 😝

I remember that some of the girls stuffed their bras with tissue or socks under their school uniforms. I hated our Catholic school uniforms!

I took my allowance to buy blush and lipstick at the drugstore and my dad made me wash my face! I am sure that I looked like a clown because I hadn’t applied makeup before.

The worst thing though is when I asked mom to let me shave my legs. She said no. I went into the bathroom and I didn’t know to use soap and water. I took my dad’s razor to my dry leg and sliced it from my ankle to my knee!

Mom was furious with me but said, “Let me show you how to do it the right way.” Blood was dripping everywhere. She had to bandage my leg. I think she got the message that I really wanted to shave my legs.

She wasn’t strict about my clothes. I had the micro mini skirts because Goldie Hawn wore them on Laugh In! LOL 😝

We didn’t do the pink, purple or blue hair like our kids wanted. My youngest did pink for a while. My oldest had the blue!

Yes , when milk came in I joked I finally reached puberty …….. temporarily .

Was still wearing Teen Form bras many months into my first pregnancy. I actually called the 800 number to inquire about nursing bras. The nice customer service lady assured me that I would expand.

Yar, pregnancy day 1. Woke up with new, enormous bra-busting breasts. Squeezed my new body into my clothes. Went out, ordered a coffee. Threw up at the smell. Then proceeded to grow bigger & bigger boobs as I vomitted round the clock for the next 20 weeks. Ahh.. pregnancy.


And pregnancy too. They fill up with milk!

I had to gain weight to finally grow boobs !
Now I want to lose weight , but you know where the first place that would be !

The upside and downside of big breasts and implants. At school I was called ‘flatty’. Now I look better than average, and no-one calls me ‘droopy’. You can't win'em all.


Yes dry . And my kids paid attention , they learned . I’m surrounded .


He sounds like my husband who has a dry-wit sense of humor!

I have to wonder how much money is spent on plastic surgery.

My younger cousin got a boob job very young! She hated being flat chested.

She had just barely graduated from college when she decided to get implants.

I don’t know what they costs but I know that it isn’t cheap!

It was payback . He every once in a while pulls a prank on me . Like writing a grocery shopping list totally in Spanish . He did that a couple of times .


That’s funny! 😁


I remember . DH used to get Sports IIlustrated delivered early in our marriage . A couple of times I hid the swimsuit issue to see if he would ask me if it came in the mail . 😂😂😂
He never did .

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