
I just bought groceries yesterday and she has eaten about half. She sits and grabs a bag of granola and continues to eat it and then a half hour later says she hungry and grabs something else. I cannot afford groceries, let alone having them only last a week. Sometimes she wants me to make her lunch so, I will and then she won't eat it. She seems to just want to munch on stuff all day and night. What should I do? Should I hide everything and tell her she cannot have any snacks?

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Roger, none of the stuff that your mom is dealing with falls under the heading of "normal." Your staying there puts you right smack in the middle of it.

Let me ask you, is your mother gaining weight? This is honestly something, if she will agree to it, that should be checked by the doc.

As to food costs, I am assuming your Mom is on social security. While you ARE living together, I hope that the shared living expenses thing will help you. And mind, not getting sweets, salty stuff and tangy stuff. Keep it boring. Beans and rice and rice and beans and you can sneak out for your OWN quarter pounder with cheese, fries and a soda on your own time. If it's tasty, she will eat it.
So WILL I. You have potato chips in there and I am around? They are GONE, hon. So it's carrot sticks and celery. That'll last longer.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
ElizabethAR37 Apr 13, 2024
Yup. I used to be a VERY disciplined eater after losing 80 lbs. in my 20s. Now that I'm older than dirt, my discipline seems to be taking time off. Although I'm definitely no longer concerned about longevity (not a big fan), I didn't like myself much when I was a Chubbette. These days I can't seem to cope effectively with chronic pain AND food deprivation. Too much misery, LOL! Maybe I'll find my lost discipline again (I haven't totally abandoned the search).
I don't think it's uncommon to over eat. Also the forget, so they forget if they are and eat again. And they may not be able to tell if they're full or not
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

It's not normal for anyone to eat constantly (unless they have a certifiable medical condition).

It could be that she's no longer able to accurately read her body signals. Or, she forgot that she just ate, or it could be a form of OCD which is not uncommon in people with certain types of dementias. I would discuss this with her doctor.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Roger, not everyone who binges has dementia. But if a person does have dementia then you know that their brain isn’t working correctly and they can and will do many things not thought of as normal.
It is reported that a huge percent of those over 60 are overweight or obese so almost everyone seems to think they are hungry, dementia or not. Many eat from boredom or loneliness. The food is purposefully processed to create cravings. That doesn’t help.
Most people won’t overeat fresh fruits and veggies.
My SIL used to padlock her pantry to keep her teenagers from cleaning it out, so it’s not just seniors who are driven to excess.
If she is one who binges then she may eat until all is gone or until she is ill so having access to too much food could be dangerous if she is a binger.
So yes, if you are going to bring it home, you probably should hide it. Easier not to bring it home. And do make her healthy snacks.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to 97yroldmom

No it's not normal for anyone to eat constantly, and your mom having dementia is no longer "normal" as her brain is broken.
You continue to seem very overwhelmed with it all. Are you educating yourself more about this horrific disease of dementia? I only ask because if you were, none of what your mom is doing would surprise you as it comes with the disease.
I know you say that you're working on getting your mom placed in the appropriate facility, and I hope that is true as you seem to be way over your head here with your moms care.
But for now, just give her healthy choices to snack on along with her 3 meals a day.
I do hope and pray that you get her placed soon.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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