
She's losing her temper for no apparent reason.

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Have you taken her to the doctor and reported these symptoms?
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My mom has nice conversations with her mom and dad who passed away 25 years ago ,, she has Alzehemiers and dementia and I just let her talk to them ,,she has a super active social life because of her talking to people who are not there ..or people I can’t see I just go along with her why upset her ...she talks to my sister who passed away 5 years ago and in reality she does not even remember she passed away when I speak to her.... she is in her own world ...yet she watches tv and loves puppy dog pals and vamperina on Disney junior she sings along with the theme songs ,,,lol.....she’s 82 years old and started declining after my sister passed away suddenly almost 5 years ago.... she’s a good lady ...
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Your Mom needs to go be checked in the Er for a UTI ....go get a good medical work up on her , I’m a RN so I keep close track of Mom’s health
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Losingit, just wanted to add that if Mom is wandering the house at night, please make sure with door and window alarms that she is not able to get out. When my mom reached that stage in the nursing home, she had to wear an ankle bracelet alarm.
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