I sometimes surf the web, reading what I can about Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Short stories or paragraphs are all I can handle nowadays, and only then can I hope to remember what I have read.

I came upon a couple of stories that have been discussed in recent months by some people who are considered to be in the know when it comes to Alzheimer’s, or dementia in general.

It never ceases to amaze me how someone sitting behind a desk somewhere can pull some of these things out of nowhere, yet vow that their ideas are in everyone’s best interest. The latest foolishness that I have seen is to refrain from calling people with AD, “Alzheimer patients.” It seems as though calling someone an Alzheimer’s patient is labeling the person, and labels, by definition, are limiting.

Wait, what? When I read such nonsense, as an Alzheimer’s patient, I take real offense. I’m not offended by these clueless people, but the mere fact that others actually buy into this nonsense.

"Don't call an Alzheimer’s patient an Alzheimer’s patient." Isn't that in itself what they call a misnomer?

And why is someone who doesn't have Alzheimer’s or any form of dementia, always behind movements like this? How do they know what is best for people like me?

Now, as if this wasn't enough, some of the same organizations want to stop calling people suffering from AD “sufferers.” Instead of calling me a sufferer of dementia, I should be referred to a person who is “deeply forgetful.”

I kid you not. This kind of stuff is actually written about in more than one magazine that goes out to doctor’s offices and can be found around the internet, so you know it has to be true!

They also make another idiotic appeal, this time regarding caregivers. It seems as though one should refrain from using the term “caregiver” anymore.

The article goes on to say, “To see yourself as one who is providing care to another establishes a hierarchy within that relationship; a hierarchy with you on top.”

In essence, calling my wife my caregiver is demeaning to me because it establishes a hierarchy within our relationship. To avoid creating this uneven playing field, we should use terms like “care partner” instead.

Well, here's a shocker... Phyllis June is number one in the chain of command. Good Lord. She knows what is best for me and has seen these things through for me over the years since my diagnosis. Does this make our relationship uneven or any less of a partnership?

You have to be special to buy into this kind of nonsense. Yet, once again, there are organizations peddling this and they consider themselves to be credible. But let me tell you something. All this boils down to one thing, and one thing only: political correctness. Period.

Somehow even the long arms of politics are trying to infringe on the world of dementia. Why? Because, as I have said for years, it's big business.

Use whatever terminology you and your loved one are comfortable with. After all, you know each other best and understand the true depth of and meaning behind your relationship. If one of you happens to find certain words hurtful or demeaning, be honest, talk through it and find a better alternative. There is no such thing as one-size-fits all advice or solutions for dementia.

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