
My mom has now moved in with us as she can't live alone any longer. Probably mid stage dementia. Her narcissistic personality disorder has always been challenging, but with dementia it's like throwing gasoline on a fire. Is anyone else dealing with this?

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Oh wow. That is an awful thing to be facing. I recently brought my mom into my house to live. My boys (young adults) and I soon found ourselves in an intolerable situation of witnessing her daily tantrums, calling people cruel names, vying for constant attention and her constant wishing (out loud) about things like having a hurricane come and wipe us all out. All her life she has been a negative person who behaved like a 4 year old thinking she was the most important person in the room and all her little minor (self-induced) problems trumped every one else's real tragedies. I don't know if she has gotten worse or if I just became more hardened to her antics. I think it is a little of both. When she moved in to our home and cause so much stress, I decided to stop babying her childish demands: which made her even more viscous. When she realized she was not getting the attention she commanded she disowned me and my kids (verbally) and called the police to come get her. That was it for me. She is out of my home and I will never have her back. Social workers stepped in and helped her get her place back. She gets social security and will be okay. There are people who get paid to take care of people like her and I have resolved to let them do that. I have to look out for my and my family's well being. I don't feel guilty one bit about "abandoning" her and that is a big surprise to me: I brought her into my home because I thought it was the right thing to do as a daughter - to take care of my mom. And I was willing to sacrifice and do things for her because I love her. However there is a limit. My limit was reached when her actions and words started to erode my metal and spiritual well being.
Helpful Answer (87)
Cupofjoe34 Nov 2018
Agreed. Mine is my 93 year old grandmother. And I'm the only surviving member of the family. Both her husband and daughter who was also my mom is passed and my father just passed. I was his nurse 24/7 and it was total hell 4 stage 4 cancers. He deserved the moon. Meanwhile the 93 year old grandma in perfect shape acted as a child and caused havoc while I was completely exhausted from caring for my father as he passed. She is a narcissistic woman who now has mid grade dementia. But at the time she caused so much extra damage just as you explained. Verbatim. Now, it is my way or no way. She now has to listen and to get to this stage took atleast 5 solid years off my already short life. I have a rare incurable lung disorder that will take me in around 10 years. Meaning she may out live me... so my poor hubby will be all she will have but he doesn't put up with her like I have. The day of my fathers funeral she started an argument in front of the entire family over eating, threw a tantrum and wanted to leave. I was obviously hysterical afterwards and I said my part. I stopped seeing her as an adult that day forward and now it's known that she has to do certain things daily to please me, in order to have her day. Otherwise she's going away. And she realizes that now for she witnessed first hand what poa can do. And so it stands for now. As long as she checks in and does her necessary life things she's free. But the leash is short. And I've grown course of her ways. I am not a sucker, 32 and I'm the adult... always was. I'm done being everyone's parent. I am doing me for I won't be able after a few years. I'll be needing a home health aid. So that is it. She is living her last chance but knows it. I don't blame or judge you. I may have to do the same... obviously...
It's so helpful to read everyone's comments and to know we are not alone in this journey. I am a Registered Nurse as well as a Nursing Home Administrator and have been Administrator in 3 different Dementia Facilities so I have seen many, many different family dynamics dealing with all forms of dementia.
My mom is 85 and has a text book case of Narcissistic Personality. She is also (and always has been), mean, hateful, vengeful, deceptive, negative, and sarcastic.
One of the best books available is 'Will I Ever Be Good Enough". I strongly recommend you read if you haven't as soon as possible. The hurt and the emotional neglect that the self centered parent leaves on their children can destroy their lives if the children allow it or accept it. It took many, many years for myself and my siblings to finally accept that we are important, we do have worth and that our parent has a mental disorder. Some of us had to just walk away and maintain a casual, long distance relationship that of course was one sided. Mom didn't seem to care and we seldom heard from her. Mom's dementia has escalated to add paranoia to the above list of attributes. We are all stupid (even though we are professional people), stealing from her and plotting against her. She was under investigation for physically abusing her companion while he was in the dying process. We hired a wonderful outside agency to care for her in her home since she ran all of her family off but she refused to let the agency in her home. Finally she ended up in the hospital and from there into a Care Facility. As stated by some of the others here, don't give up your life. I know that sounds selfish but it won't be appreciated anyway and in most cases it will be expected. There are others that can take care of mom and not have to be abused by her. My mother is as sweet as honey in the facility, calls all the staff sweetie and honey and actually says 'THANK YOU' to them. Two little words that we NEVER heard one time come out of her mouth at home or to us.
Don't feel guilty that you don't rush to her side to care of her, she really would prefer someone else anyway. Stay strong, assertive, healthy and know when to walk out of the room.
On a positive note, my sister and I have been praying for over 20 years that mom would find some peace in her 'miserable life' and if dementia can be a positive thing then it has been in this case. Her fits of rage, hatefulness and her attitude that the entire world is trying to 'screw' her have diminished drastically as her cognitive abilities decline. Maybe she will finish her journey on this earth in peace and if a miracle happens she may even be thankful for the life of luxury she has been given. Last week she told me 'thank you for calling' and even said 'I love you' after I told her I loved her. In 63 years I have never heard those words. So, keep staying strong, know your own worth, if you don't know it then please make every effort to find it while you can still enjoy the blessings of life. Just because your mom gave you life does not mean what she said or how she treated you is the truth of who you are or who you can be. Leave the care to someone who is competent, love and care for her from a distance and maybe her dementia will bring about some positive changes. If not, it is what it is and she will leave this place in the manner in which she lived and there is absolutely nothing that you can do to change that.
God Bless everyone of you who are going through this. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Helpful Answer (82)
pickleball Nov 2018
Wow, your story sounds so similar to mine! My mom has a narcissistic personality and dementia. She is extremely mean to me. I disengage with her when she is so mean. My sister was living with her, but now has gone home to another state. I certainly understand and think she went above and beyond. My mom tells people bad things about me all the time yet is super nice to those she doesn't even know. So, I hired in home health care for a couple times a week since she lost her license. (Doctor took it away until January). She is mad at me about that and the cost even though she doesn't remember what numbers mean all the time. Now, I am worried that she is going to move back in with an alcoholic abusive man she was with until this past April. Should I just let her do whatever when her judgement is not the best?
One of the few personality disorders in which the victims seek help rather than the instigators. It's a shame there is no effective treatment for it, and even if there was, getting the narcissist to accept help is unlikely to happen! The collective pain and suffering endured by victims of NPD must be enormous. These people need to be stopped.

How? I have no idea. Narcissists are always right and never wrong. Someone else is responsible. Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds. Their lack of regard for the feelings of others is shocking.

It seems strange to me that modern psychiatry has yet to come up with an effective means to treat these emotional vampires. The suffering goes on and on, generation after generation. Sad!
Helpful Answer (76)
MrsGumby1208 Nov 2019
Too bloody right.
Good Lord, my narc mother with dementia is 92 (this past January 20th, but who's counting?) and things get worse on a DAILY basis. Thank God, she lives in an assisted living facility about 4 miles away, but since I'm an only child (at almost 62), I have the enormous pleasure of being the only one to deal with her chronic BS on a daily basis. I quit my job about 9 months ago but she thinks I still work full time. Why? Because she makes my life ENOUGH of a nightmare as it is, thank you very much. If she knew I was home, she'd torture me even MORE and expect me to be waiting on her hand & foot continuously! The things that have been ugly about mother in her younger days have become SO magnified that she is nearly intolerable to deal with nowadays. Her constant complaining and putting others down has gotten to the point where nobody can stand her anymore. Yet she's never wrong, nope. It's someone ELSE'S fault, never hers. Know what I mean? Classic narcissism 101. It's all about her her her, and nobody else matters. Nobody's ever doing enough, the grandkids don't visit enough, her daughter (me) NEVER does enough, her dead husband of 68 years was a total good-for-nothing who never gave her enough of ANYTHING she wanted or deserved, and on and on ad nausea. I call her once a day and get a stomach ache beforehand every single time. I see her once a week and dread it, but I do it because I'm all she's got, as wretched as I am. She'll live to be 100 I'm sure, and her money will run out in about 5 years, forcing me to apply for Medicaid. One day at a time is what I repeat about 100x a day.

Get your narc mother OUT OF YOUR HOUSE NOW, that is my recommendation. Or else YOU will be writing a story like mine soon except it will be a million times worse because you will have no escape from the torture chamber. Don't do it. It's not worth it.

My condolences for what you're going through. One day at a time, my friend.

**Yikes. I just saw this question was posted in 2013~! What happened?
Helpful Answer (70)
anonymous739426 Jul 2019
Well, even in 2019 it helped me reading it! Yes your message resonates! I still think you should reduce your visiting to once a fortnight and call way less. Stress is known to cause illness and disease and she's given you plenty of stress! You don't deserve it, you deserve to be well. I hope you can put yourself first and get further away. I don't think she even appreciates your support and help, so sad to say, but that's my experience with my N. I think they think you visit/call because you need something from them!!!
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Yes yes yes!!!! This is me! I have yet to have mom move in with me although she has brought it up during one of her pity parties. Usually when she is fighting with my dad because he put up a boundary or he snapped back at her. The thought of my parents living with me crossed my mind but I can’t do it. I have two young kids and to add them would give me four kids instead of two. I also don’t think I could stand moms constant criticism laced with piety and good intentions. I could live with my dad, he’s pretty easy, but my mom nope, no way. She’s too toxic. And it hurts because I thought daughters and mothers were supposed to be close (thanks Pixar) and yet we aren’t. The other big fear is that I don’t want to expose my kids to this or myself to this. I don’t want to become like her.
Helpful Answer (66)

The answer is very simple - this is a deadly combination. This will make anyone from God to the devil and all in between very difficult to handle and have in one's home or presence. I cannot and would not put up with it. The dementia is bad enough with the related negative behavior but then add narcisiscm on top of that, and it is good bye - she must be placed into a facility away from you. If you do not do this, YOU WILL BE UNHAPPY AND DESTROYED. You will never have peace or be able to live your life. Don't wait - do it now. And if finances are tight, there are ways to handle that - you just need help and advice. No human being should ever allow this or have it happen - it is just wrong and it has to be stopped.
Helpful Answer (65)
cherokeegrrl54 May 2019
Very wise words and i agree 100%. I definitely would not want to live like that!!! Not as the patient or caregiver/s....jus sayin...💖
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My mother has always been somewhat of a narcissist and now has moderate dementia. It is depressing helping her because she not only doesn't appreciate my care, she takes every opportunity to tell completely fictional bad stories about me and my family to every one who will listen. I have tried to keep up my boundaries and do the right thing regardless of consequence. I have also lined my legal ducks in a row. My therapist said a wise thing in that I imagine all the craziness lives on a crazy planet which is separate from where I live. That way, I can deal with it without having to live in it.

I have tried to get her involved with people and activities but she does not like people and has given up the only thing she enjoyed, crocheting due to bad eyesight. I take her out shopping and to the park and she has a health aid that takes her out to eat and keeps her company during the day. I tell myself every day this is the best I can do and not to feel guilty, that she is lucky to have me in her life.
Helpful Answer (63)
pickleball Nov 2018
What legal ducks did you line up? Your first 3 sentences describe part of my situation as well.
Unfortunately it doesn't get better it gets worse. It's very hard to deal with someone who is only self aware, add mean and hateful to the mix and it's going to bring you down, way down. My mother is the same way. I tried keeping her home when my father passed and it was complete insanity. She ended up in a nursing home for medical reasons and we tried it at home a few more times only to have the same result. She was completey miserable in the nursing home and drove us nuts. By the grace of God we were able to get her into the nicest memory center I have ever seen. The staff are wonderful. Just got back from visiting her and she is again her negative, mean, nasty, self serving self. I actually found notes in her closet today saying When I die I want you kids to know how awful you have been.. I left there so angry, she was talking hateful about my deceased father who was nothing less than her servant. I feel your pain, I truly do. My advice for what it's worth would be to place her now sooner than later. If I had it to do all over again, I would have never, ever, lived with her and allowed her to beat me down emotionally , physically. I know that we are supposed to keep in mind it is the disease, but my thoughts are yea the disease intensifies it, but its always been this way and I cannot be responsible for her happiness, because she has never been and never will be happy no matter what I do. Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (59)
pickleball Nov 2018
It's hard to just place my mom into a senior living facility now because she is in denial about her condition, even though the doctor took away her license and is taking medication. She think there is nothing wrong with her. She is a very spiteful person. Any other suggestions?
Yes, and it is incredibly difficult. Since I am the only person willing to care for her, she has turned on me, and says terrible, false things and yells profanity and slams doors very hard, etc. She lives in her own home, can get around, but does not want any help (but needs it), which is only making things worse for her. I live an hour away and work full time, I try to keep tabs on her, don't know what I will do when she really can't live alone. I won't give up, but have had to step back because of her insults, false stories and unwillingness to accept help or direction. She does not care about my time, and if there is anything negative that happens in my life, she seems very gleeful about it. I won't give up, and am concerned about her, but the siblings won't help, the other neighbors are elderly, and her husband passed away. I understand that she may not be doing this on purpose, but it is still a very difficult situation.
Helpful Answer (58)

A lifetime watching my beloved mother spiral into a hateful cocoon, narcissist - borderline, increasingly dementia’d - who today sent me in the mail a package of name cards from my high school graduation (she had found at her house) in a ‘ziploc’ taped with rubber bands and cardboard card around them with “allergic” penned in childlike writing, with the aid of a sharpie pen, and arrows pointing to the ziploc’d cards with my name (her youngest child) she apparently has developed said allergy - me the last living child, with taped ziploc and rubber bands - a punishment for sending her positive messages & concern around the current world pandemic underway (she is 83, with millions of dollars & delights in enlightening me I deserve nothing) - good Lord people. How can a woman 5’2” possess so much hate? There is no amount of money in the world for the kind of manic unwellness this woman, I will Love forever, demonstrates. Is there any way to defy this illness ? To overcome such hatefulness - for her soul - not mine. She is the primary caretaker of her alzheimer’d spouse, I know she emotionally abuses for sport. I am detached from this toxic unfolding (live a State away, have kept away from her for decades) but wish her & her spouse a better & a more peaceful last chapter of life... are there folks out there with any positive end of life stories for their hateful dysfunctional narcissistic loved ones?
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