
In trying to get appropriate services for my mom and dad (her primary caregiver) there are so many intakes! Every service, every provider. I understand the why. It's just hard for my mom and us to constantly tell the "story", new people to the house each time, or new specialist new paperwork. Some services workout, some don't. Some are temporary. Endless intakes, little actual action or results it feel like. Always feels like starting over, every new issue has a new phone call to make to "explore options" when none actually seem right. Issues that feel urgent, call for help, appt scheduled for weeks later, we cancel, things seem better, or mom is not up to it, but wait the issue is back!

Mom feels scared all the time. Psych NP appt scheduled, new person, new paperwork. Mom feels breathless, hospital stay 2 weeks ago showed clear lungs, heart monitor no issues, oxygen levels always good. Try new inhaler? Pcp gave her a sample of Brezxtry (sp) No too overwhelming for her watching the instruction video plus she read the potential problems 'trouble breathing" is a potential side effect seriously??? Schedule appt with pulmonologist to see if she needs to be on oxygen? New paperwork, intake, tests? Yay. Or is it her anxiety. Pcp useless just give her a sample and send her off.

Dad's getting burned out, find caregiver support for him. Oh new intake yay! What kind of support, someone to just sit with her while he goes for a walk? (she is worried something will happen to him, even today when I was there while he was running errands, do you think we should call your father he's been gone a while. No mom I don't think we should call him while he's driving! And what am I chopped liver?)

It's whac a mole can't keep up with all the problems, side effect fears etc etc she can shower, she can dress herself, she's not incontinent. I'm grateful for all of this. It's just a phase of not knowing what to with each new issue that's popping up and knowing these things don't get better sadly.. I'm sad for them. But I don't seem to be able to help plan for them tho I see it on the own counselor resigned oh yay I can tell my own stories all over again now to someone new.

Should I be calling agencies now and saying ok if this happens we will do this, or use x, y, z agency etc. Will anyone even talk to me without an actual need, oh hey mom might not be able do do ADLs soon but I'm not sure when, can we talk? That seems so hard to plan for!!

Can't solve it just have to manage it I think has to be the new mantra.

Throw this in discussions if needed bc it's not an actual question...

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It is exhausting to answer the same questions over and over.

It reminded me of something from last week. That this happens to everyone.
Last week while waiting for my hair dye to do it's thing , my hair stylist was on her phone doing the intake for her 8 year old's yearly check up. It took her 10 minutes to do it. My hair stylist gave an annoying example. She said she always has to answer some questions that should not have to be asked everytime her child has an appt . when its not a new doctor . For example whether or not her child was born in another country. She already answered that multiple times. My stylist even joked that she did the doctor's job for him. She said , he won't have any questions to ask, or to record any answers.

VERY tiresome.. like red tape fatigue.

The *management* of all the care services in the home - in/out, round & round staffing.

Home + services.
Home + services + Care Manager
Managed Care Home

You are the 'Care Manager' at present. I guess another level could be added in with some sort of person performing this Geriatric Care Coordinator role - while you oversee as the top Manager? To extend Home a while longer 🫤

I do the e-check-ins for DH and me. Just had the meet-and-greet with the 4th new PCP internist in four years. She asked questions that I've entered into the forms for every new PCP plus the check-ins for all our practitioners in the practice (8 of them). Every time I fill out my form, I state that I've had a hysterectomy. Every time, they ask if I'm pregnant or could be pregnant. The answer was NO when I was 36 and it's NO now, decades later. I'm also not breastfeeding- it's not possible - but they ask.

This could be fixed by the programmer who creates these forms. If I answer I've had a hysterectomy, my answer should wipe out all questions that would have resulted down the line if I still had a uterus, such as "Are you pregnant?"

Also, if I answer an age at which it would be ridiculous for me to even get pregnant, like 92, that question could be scrubbed from the form.

But alas, the people who created this forms mess have no common sense, apparently. We are at their mercy.

What’s worked for me is to have all my answers on a spreadsheet. You could make a chart and xerox it, if you don’t have a printer.

On their silly forms, I write, “see attached. “

I have all my meds listed.
All my supplements
My vaccinations
My surgical history.

You could add other columns as you need them, such as “symptoms”.

I found myself getting angrier and angrier with each set of paperwork or questions. This solved that problem.

I like cxmoody , used to attach my parents med list and diagnosis and surgeries to forms for a new doctor . But that was a while ago .

However these days we fill out the forms on the computer days before our appts .

I typed up a summary for my Ex and myself, including our full names, birthdates and addresses. Our preferred pharmacy, a photocopy of our Medicare provider card, and drivers license.
I did a list of current meds, any recent surgeries (in the last 4 years), drug allergies, and anything a medical professional would need to know.
All on ONE PAGE.
I bring copies to intakes, so I can fill out forms twice as fast, with correct info.

I also cut back on the "come back in 6 months" Doctor visits, when nothing is wrong or a current medical condition isn't being treated. Otherwise it gets ridiculous, annoying and a waste of time and money.
If we didn't have computers, text confirmations and TeleMed chats, we would all be buried in paperwork!

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