
There are many elderly people that call millenials arrogant, selfish, rude among other things. But I wonder that of they see the same things in themselves. Yes, there are rude millenials. The excuses that I have heard from the elderly is that they have been through the Great Depression, the second World War and many other things so they have the right. They might have gone through those things but there is no excuse. The Baby Boomers and later generations have been put through a massive recession, major job losses, an unnecessary war and things still are not as good as they were in the 90's. With how long people are living today, many of today's seniors have it pretty good. Between their pension plans and Social Security, that's a whole lot more than I can expect when I am old and looking at retirement. Gone are the days where pensions were prevalent and good. Gone are the days where you retired and got a gold watch. My 88 year-old grandma went back to work at 45 for the airlines, took early retirement at 62 and gets at least $3,000 a month and her expenses are low. Some seniors have gotten more out of Medicare an Social Security than they have put in. My dad has given me some sound advice to stick with my job, even though it sucks because I have a pension plan because many places don't offer those and he is nervous about his retirement and he has a pension plan too. He is 67 and hasn't retired yet! I'm just really annoyed right now. A coworker, whose earliest memories was the bombing of London said something that did make me angry. She said besides the bombing of London, she was the daughter of a politician and she has seen poverty and what it does to people and I never know what I am talking about since I live in "such a nice house". My retort was that she might have been the daughter of a politician, she was only trotted out when it was election season, then back to boarding school. My family didn't always have a nice house since we were almost homeless when there was a strike at my dad's workplace. The company wanted 18 hour days, 7 days a week, pay cuts and health insurance increases and a couple things more. I remember being bullied horribly because I got free lunches at school and my parents couldn't afford a lot of food to feed the family let alone shoes and clothes for my sister and I.

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“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

― Socrates

There are a lot of nice children out there too. If you focus on the negativity that's what you will see.

I guess I am lucky because I have only found that in a few Seniors.

I do have to say one thing, my MIl was living in London during those bombings in WWII. We are lucky as a country we haven't had to go thru that. It was horrific.

The copay for GM used to be $7. 😊 My husband retired from there and I have to admit that we, for now, have good benefits. I feel very lucky in that respect.

I hate to say it, but my Daddy is one of those rude and arrogant seniors she’s talking about. I hate taking him anywhere ( his Doctor app. Ect.) he is mean and disrespectful to me and my sister, as well as others. He speaks loudly, because he’s hard of hearing. He’s not driving anymore and he’s on a feeding tube. He won’t excercise, so he stays weak as water. He is heavily dependent upon my sister who lives with him, and is his caregiver. He’s really hateful and just mean to his children, who do everything for him. I know he has a lot of problems, loss of hearing, eyesight, independence, he can’t even eat a meal anymore, and I feel for him and love him. But he makes it hard to like him,lol.

My grandmothers and my husband's grandmothers all made the decision when they were fully functional (late 70's) to downsize the ole family home with multiple flights of stairs and get rid of all the stuff - their greedy kids were more than happy to fight over the chipped china and banged up 'heirlooms'. They moved into senior living (very basic at that time) and they transitioned as graciously as possible to nursing home -not wanting to be a burden. How I loved visiting them after school - working on my homework, listening to them chat about the past.

now - my parents and my husband's parents - hanging onto living at homes they no longer can maintain (call the children to do X, Y, Z instead of hiring someone), get groceries because they don't like driving in snow (call the children instead of grocery delivery), doctor appointments (call the children because they are too good to use the free senior driving service in the town). Children - who cares if they are in their 50's and working full time and have full time responsibilities for their own kids. We should be at the beck and call of the elders. Yes - there is something about this particular generation that seems to thing that they deserve the best even if it comes at the cost of their kids.

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