
The virus is spreading rapidly here. We are just behind New York and Washington state. We have gone from under a hundred cases to over a 1000 very quickly. Twenty deaths, seven of which were at Lambeth House, an IL, AL and MC in uptown New Orleans.

We have confirmed reported cases in our nursing homes. We are at risk of not being able to have enough medical personnel to treat everyone.

What is going on in your area to stop the growth of this rapidly growing virus?

Not sure what category this would fit under. I chose hygiene.

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I am horrified at how rapidly this virus spreads.

I am so sorry NHWM! This is horrible and just scary! Please take care of yourself and use every precaution as possible. My prayers are with you and your family.

May our Lord be with you.🙏

Thanks, Shell. Truly appreciate your prayers. I am continuing to pray for all of us, all around the world. I agree that is is frightening. I am trying to stay as positive as I can be.

I have been participating in the recommended self quarantine which was predominantly in New Orleans because we have the majority of cases here but it has spread throughout the state rather quickly.

So now we have the mandatory stay at home order. I am not opposed to the order. I feel we should do whatever is necessary to stop the spreading in our area.

I’m so sorry!! And to be honest, I thought this already in place there!! I am surprised it took them so long :(
I haven’t been watching the news much but when I do, they keep mentioning New Orleans so I thought you were already under a shelter in place order. I am appalled at how slow our elected leaders are moving!

NeedHelpWithMom, if certain individuals had addressed the virus when it first arose in the US, and assisted the medical profession in ordering the necessary equipment, it wouldn't have spread as fast.  

Look at the growth rate in this chart:  it's quite illuminating:

Notice how much flatter the curves are for Japan and Singapore, and how the Korean curve levels off.

There's a better chart but I can't find it right now.  

If proper measures had been taken earlier, and if sufficient supplies were available for the medical profession, the US curve could be flatter.

Thank you, Cali. I appreciate your kindness. Stay safe. You have your precious children with you.

I am praying for all law enforcement like your husband along with all medical professionals too, also clergy who have comforted everyone. Our archbishop has tested positive for the virus. This whole situation is very disturbing.

I applaud our governor’s decision to order a mandatory stay at home order for everyone in our state, not just New Orleans. I have asthma so I was already practicing the social distancing by staying home.

My husband’s company had decided to voluntarily practice it before it was enforced to do so. His office is in the warehouse district which is a very busy part of the city, just outside of the central business district.

Our governor is taking it seriously. It’s spreading rapidly here because we just had our huge Mardi Gras celebrations and as you know we have large numbers of tourists from all around the world along with all of the locals that enjoy our parades.

Everyone is always out and about here. It’s part of our culture in New Orleans. We are an active city with top notch food in our restaurants, tons of places to hear great music, festivals year round and so forth, so naturally it spread quickly here.

This is certainly true, GA. I won’t dispute what you are saying. In places like our city where something is always going on, this virus had a chance to spread like wildfire. So sad.

Yeah, the facts speak for themselves. Thanks for sharing that info. Eye opening, isn’t it?

My area is in 'shut down' mode, not actual lock-down (yet..).

There is social distancing. No social gatherings of any kind. No bbqs. Warned that Police will break up any house parties. Staying home where can. No non-essential outings.

Can go to work (if can't work from home). Can shop. Otherwise Home home home.

The numbers are increasing every day but hopefully these measures are working - flattening that curve.

Once getting home, my family are washing hands & spraying the taps with disinfectant. Leaving the shoes outside. Keeping the inside footwear inside. Not putting bags from outside on kitchen benches. Changing into *home* clothes & washing all work clothes daily.

If someone told me by March, this would be life - I would say lock them up, they must be c-r-a-z-y. But here we are.

Oh man, latest news report just now on television is almost 1400 confirmed cases. 46 dead now.

Our police officers are getting very concerned. Our fire fighters are concerned. Some already confirmed. It’s inevitable due to close contact with others. The healthcare system workers are being tested positive too.

Lambeth House deaths are up to 11 now.

Our musicians have been playing their instruments on their porches, writing songs, going a bit stir crazy and doing virtual concerts.

My godson is a guitarist and is so bummed not being able to play his music. He also works in the film industry. Well, he can’t do that either. Nothing is being filmed here now. He has been working with NCIS New Orleans. Geeeez, so many changes in so little time 😞.

Oh, thank God! They just announced on television that we got news today that President Trump approved federal funding to be released for us. Our governor asked for funding to be released to Louisiana.

It’s stressful, isn’t it? I have been doing pretty well keeping a positive attitude but it’s kind of getting to me now.

Yes! Keep taking precautions.

I am in New York and we are sheltering in place too. It’s just a matter of time before every state will be sheltering in place. Stay safe Needhelpwithmom.

You too, Elaine. Please stay safe. I agree that it’s spreading all over. Some of us are experiencing rapid spreading but it’s everywhere.

Just would like to ask a favor, if I may. One of our local guys is doing virtual concerts online. He has Facebook. Some things on YouTube and a website. All of his gigs are canceled of course.

Anyway, it would cheer me up if you could share his music with me. Thanks, if you care to check him out. His name is Mike Doussan. He and other local musicians are staying busy writing songs.

He was just on the news with his eight year old son. I hate to see our musicians out of work. They took a hit like we all did with Hurricane Katrina. With Katrina they were invited to play gigs in other cities. This time is very different. Everywhere is dealing with this crap!

Not on here much anymore, as I am reading other sites to keep up with global/national/state/local covid-19 info. Elder caregiving is no longer relevant to me.

NeedHelpWithMom, I am so glad that your mother is with your brother now! Karma is really something, yes?

And I am so sorry for all the caregivers who will not get any relief from their 24/7/365 caregiving now with the pandemic. It is awful. I hope you all do well.

I'm staying at home, caring for parents and only going out for food. My LO who has dementia, is in MC and not open for visits.

Praying a lot and hoping for the best. On a positive note, I read yesterday that a company in my state (NC) has developed an antibody test that is easily done at home, no lab required, that tells if you have already had Provid-19 in 10 mins. ( BioMedomics approved this momth.) Says you can tell which phase you are in, like active or have had before. How will they meet the demand is the issue. There is a story on it on WTVD, if you google it. Not sure how much it'll help, but, it's something.

Elaine, how is your mother coping with all this? Here in SC more and more is closing. I gave my husband a check to deposit and he said there was a line outside the bank which was freaking me out but it turned out is was because they didn't want more than one person in at a time. I am surprised when anything is open. Practically all medical appointments have to be virtual if you still want to keep them. Since it often means you have to be weighed I don't. I wonder if they would say go to your scale and tell us what you weigh. I would happily say I don't have one which is not the case but these are desperate times and my weight is off the table.


At times it feels strange dealing with my feelings regarding my family. Therapy has helped. This forum helped tremendously! Thanks so much for being there for me.

I suppose the overwhelming feeling that I have is relief. As you know, I burned out. I just couldn’t do it anymore. Now, my brother is dealing with it all, so you’re right about Karma!

For my own sanity I went no contact so, I have no idea how he’s coping. Not my concern anymore. I wish them well and only want to live my life in peace without the agony anymore.

I miss the concept of family but in reality I did not have a healthy relationship with them. I was dealing with a lot of dysfunction. I’m glad it’s over too.

As much as I sought to have harmony and balance, it was never going to work out. I know that now. I am at peace with my decision to go no contact.

How are you? Yeah, lots going on with this awful virus situation. Stay safe. 💗

I live in NJ which is now #3 since testing is now being done. I think the worst cases are in the North close to NY. Commuter traffic. People living in NJ going to NY City to work thing. We here in the County I live in have a case in a bordering town and one in my town. We are less populated down here. As of last Tuesday restaurants are take out only at pick up windows or curbside. We were asked to self quarantine. Later they closed nonessential workplaces like hair salons. After 3 days we ventured out for milk and eggs.

My one daughter works in DE and there was a case at one of the sites and at her site another in contact with someone who had it so they closed her site. My Gson works for Jet and is considered a essential employee. My daughtr is an RN working a woundcare unit. She had to lay off some of her staff but for now is working. I have watched her son a few times since schools closed the 17th. The other grands the other time.

They are prosecuting a man for having 30 people at his house for a party. A family died in Freehold because one part of the family invited the other to have dinner with them and one of them had the virus. People don't seem to understand what guaranteeing at home means. Fla beaches not closing knowing that thousands would be coming down for Spring break.

This won't level out until everyone does what is asked of them.

I agree, JoAnn. We all have to do our part and comply with regulations. So sorry that New Jersey is dealing with difficult challenges. I have cousins in Brick, NJ.

Stay safe, JoAnn. God bless your daughter in the healthcare field.💗


So sorry that you can’t see your loved one in MC. Keep the faith. I am praying as well.

That’s interesting what you’re doing in NC with testing.

The governor is saying we are now experiencing a real situation concerning a ventilator shortage and other medical supplies.

Supposedly, President Trump has approved for us to receive emergency funding.

We got some good news. Tim Cook of Apple is going to donate masks for our medical staff.

GardenArtist just cannot help herself. Using this crisis to vent her hate on the President.

Said President banned travel from China at end of January which prevented thousands of death yet was castigated as being racist and xenophobic.

Garden, you have done lot of people a lot of good on this forum. Stick to that. What good does finger pointing, warranted or not, do now?

You can find charts to prove anything including this Scroll down, the USA cases per million people and deaths per million people are among the lowest in industrialized world. Again, that could change but the point is you can find data to prove whatever you want to prove.


No one is specifically targeting anyone without having valid reasons for feeling as they do. The facts speak for themselves.

There is always room for growth and improvements in any situation. Surely, you can see that this situation could have been handled differently than it was.

We learn from what others do, such as in Korea. The key is to work together in a crisis, not against each other.

Please be kind. Please don’t use my thread to point fingers at someone who was kind enough to reply to my post with an answer that is relevant.

I would be happy to hear a reply from you regarding the topic of my post. I don’t appreciate that you feel others are not entitled to their own opinion. You are entitled to your opinion as well. No one pointed out your name in their posting. Why do you feel a need to point out her name?

This is a serious matter for all of us. In my state numbers are increasing rapidly, as of today, almost 1800 confirmed cases and 63 deaths.

So, I am going to kindly ask you to be respectful and tolerant of others views, whether you agree or not with their opinion. Let’s live in harmony. Thank you for your cooperation.

I read in the Washington Post that Falwell has decided to open up Liberty University dorms to students returning from spring break. Ridiculous!

This is a very irresponsible action for him to take. What is he thinking? Or should I say that he isn’t thinking!

how is blaming the President for past actions, if you are right or wrong, be helpful to you situation now. And as far as facts, you can find facts to support whatever position you want.

There are plenty of forums to express your political views. This used to be a forum for helping one another in taking care of older loved ones.

Trying to point out that President "failed" if you think he failed, does nothing to promote that.


This is a great forum. Leave it at that. You made your point. Duly noted.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Sorry if that bothers you. It shouldn’t be an issue.

We can all do our best to be kind and respectful. That doesn’t mean that we need to be carbon copies of each other. We can still work together for the common good.

Need, I checked out your local musician Mike Doussan & added to my playlist. His voice & guitar was just the thing to tune in to & tune out from the world for a bit 😊

Thanks, Beatty

I miss seeing our guys. He’s newer on the scene here. A lot of the people I grew up listening to are dead now.

This city is loaded with talent. We have an eclectic mix of music, jazz, blues, rock, zydeco, brass bands, etc.

The jazz funerals are interesting and certainly part of our culture. Of course, they aren’t allowed now during the virus. No parading through the streets for anything now.

My favorite piano player here is from England but he’s been in our city for quite awhile so we claim him as one of our own. Check him out, Jon Cleary. He won a Grammy and is very well deserved.

Of course, our Jazz and Heritage festival had to be canceled. Oh well...

My DH has always wanted to visit New Orleans. His father was a jazz pianist. He had a day job too but music was his passion & he played in various bands all his life.

While playing at the palliative care hospital, someone commented on how kind he was to be playing there. He said it was an honour & gave him something to enjoy - as he was a patient himself.

May music help soothe, inspire or revive us at this time 🎶🎵


He’d love it. You should visit one day. Wonderful that your father in law enjoyed music and played. Same in my family and my husband’s family. Lots of talent everywhere.

I like Snug Harbor for jazz. It’s on Frenchmen St. in the Marigny neighborhood.

You will hear great jazz at Snug, anytime you go. Music feeds our soul. It really does. It is healing. I love when people play music for the sick. Some of our locals have joined the Musicians On Call Organization. It’s a lovely thing to do.

We have incredible street musicians on Royal Street. I can’t remember her name. I have her cd. She is a classical violinist that played in a symphony but visited New Orleans and loved it so much that she was inspired to play on Royal St. She has her spot. She’s great!

Favorite jazz drummer is Herlin Riley. So fun to watch play!

I also love Johnny Vidacovich, fantastic drummer! He plays with the jazz band, Astral Project. Have been a fan for forty years! They are both born and raised New Orleans drummers. Two of the best jazz drummers anywhere.

Another favorite local jazz pianist is, David Torkanowsky. He’s amazing. Started playing at three years old. Of course he is phenomenal, his father was a German conductor. His mother was a professional dancer.

The jazz tent at jazz fest is fantastic, so are the other tents and stages blues, gospel, zydeco, etc. The large stages have the national acts. I saw was Elton John awhile back. Eh, he can’t hit those high notes anymore but he still plays beautifully. He’s fun.

Jimmy Buffet always draws a big crowd on the Acura stage but I am not a fan of his music, so I find another stage.

Last year Santana played with our local musician, Trombone Shorty who is fantastic. Was great!

I have been going to jazz fest since the very first one at The Fairgrounds, so I have seen tons of people there. It started in 1970 at Congo Square, then moved to The Fairgrounds. We do have a great music vibe. People have played here and never left! It’s fairly typical for music lovers.

You can find some jazz fest performances on YouTube.

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