My mean mother (made mean by age and health problems) continues to mentally
abuse me. I'm cussed at and talked mean to daily. The latest happened this morning. I had a new furnace/ac installed last fall and the furnace is not kicking on properly when the thermostat is raised. I had it checked and a replacement part has been ordered. My mother insists that I broke the furnace because I raised/lowered the temperature on the thermostat. I've been called a son of a bitch many times over this. She insists that I broke the furnace and has not waved from's my fault that it's not working. Yesterday evening I tried to get away for a few hours. I left at 5:30 pm and returned at 7:50. When I left, my mother immediately went and locked herself in her room. She is afraid of everything! When I came home she came out of her room as I entered the house. I was immediately was called a son of a bitch for leaving those few hours. As I have told you folks before, I am in a crazy controlled environment. I'm living with a bitter old woman who (has always been a worry wart) has developed into someone who is insanely frightful of someone "getting her".....of a crook breaking in and harming her. It is craziness! But hey......this is my life......just another day in paradise!
If I ever meet a man and there are elderly parents in the pic who may need care, I plan to make it very, very clear that taking care of them or dealing with their alz or dementia, even part time, won't EVER be my job. **twitch** I don't care if the man is made of solid gold.
Change out of a terrible situation for fear you will lose all the "negativity" and you
Seem to thrive on it. I think if you REALLY want to
Do something and not just "vent" than you have to talk to a professional in showing you step by step how to change. Period.