
Does your Cat (or any pet) misbehave since caregiving your loved one?
Have you been required to take care of your loved one's pet after they have passed? Does your pet have cute antics that entertain your loved one?
And finally, has the cat or dog transferred their loyalty to your Mother?

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Wizard of Paws

cat quotes:

"Living my best nine lives."

"I'm not spoiled, my human is just well trained."

"I was normal three cats ago."

"One cat just leads to another." 

Golden, I often look at your avatar thinking how cute! I'm
assuming that is Rocky.

I'll for sure get another couple of sweeties one day.

Gershun, I wasn't going to get another one after my previous kitty passed, but I relented and am so happy I have Rocky now. I know you will very much enjoy having a couple of sweet kitties around the house again.

She is a Maine Coon cross and her vocalizations are so endearing,

Thank you Real.

I know I will definitely be getting two more kitties eventually.

Gershun, i want to encourage you to get another fur baby.

I said my third man is missing when i lost my baby. Cried my eyes out after every trip to the rescues, however, not only did we find another precious fur baby but, we found 2.

Every single adoption makes a difference and you will soon be enjoying your new family member(s) and be encouraging others to adopt.

I pray you are chosen quickly by your new fur baby(ies).

I'm slowly warming up to the idea of getting more kitties.
It's been so empty here without cats.

But I went onto the pet adoption website in my area and seeing
all the sad faces made me kind of depressed actually. So maybe
I'm not ready for another yet. We'll see.

Some pets have passed recently, pets that I got to know from their owners here on this forum.
I miss them as much as my Tweety who's gone from me in 2024.

My condolences on your loss.

I cannot get any more pets.
I accept that now.

That is some really strange cat behavior-I have never heard of it.

One thing I do know about cats-you cannot punish them.

casole -a visiting kitty at Christmas You are brave!

nacy - I have banned my cat from the bedroom at night and I am sleeping much better.

sharyn - that's interesting. She certainly has taken charge!!!

Today I started putting a floor-to-ceiling cat tree together. Rocky has been scratching the furniture since she has been banned from the bedroom at night where her cat condo/scatch post is. I got a small scratching post for the living room but it's not stable enough, I can place this larger one by the windows so she can climb high and see out and scratch at many levels. I had to train her onto the small post. Hope she will "get it" on her own with this larger one. Rubbing it with a catnip toy seems to help.

Since my husband passed last month, one of my cats has taken charge of the bedroom at night. Our poor golden retriever has been banned from being in the room at night. Really, he could sleep on the floor, it’s carpeted. The bed is a full size, Buster didn’t sleep on the bed before. I can’t figure out the diffence with this little bossy girl.

I've been up since 3 am , thanks to my cat, Sammy. I guess she wanted me to wake up, she put one claw in my nose and pulled. Wow what a not fun way to wake up, and her face 2 inches from mine.

I read the sometimes worry if we sleep to long, or don't wake easily, I imagine she tried other ways first.

We have a cat visiting us until tomorrow. He's cute and weird and a little demon lol. We had to put the Christmas tree in the front hall and close the door. Only 9 mos so still full of kitten energy.

I have 3 cats, the sister of my 4 year old cat is not being well taken care of. I know they would let me take her, I don't want 4 cats and I don't think I can talk hubby into it. But gosh darn it, I feel like I should!!

🤣 🤣 🤣 good idea!

Buy cat food the same color as your carpeted areas. It'll help hide the puke stains.

Thanks sends, No hairballs, and this was very unusual, she got better really quick, but was awful sick, I felt so bad, for her

I will definitely have the vet check her out of it happens again. You are absolutely right.

Does your cat have hairballs?

Cats shed heavily during the fall and spring. As a result, you might notice an increase of hairballs during these seasons. Long-haired cat breeds may also be more susceptible to seasonal hairballs.
Occasional hairballs once a month are okay, provided your cat doesn’t have other worrisome symptoms like inappetence, lethargy, or withdrawal. However, hairballs once a week or once every 2 weeks can be a sign of food allergies, atopy (environmental allergies) or IBD (irritable bowel disease). 
Generally, vomiting should not ever be accepted as a normal behavior. Because it is a symptom of so many potential illnesses, however, you might want to have your cat examined to rule out serious medical conditions if it seems to be happening more than normal. 

She ate a little this morning, I think she is getting better. 🤞

FF , thanks so much, she does eat a table spoon or so a day of wet. But I never thought about constipation.

I have heard about pumpkin, but forgot.

She got up for a few minutes, licked a little tuna fish water, but not enough. She is only 4.

Might have to take her to the vet tomorrow.

Anxietynacy, wonder if your feline is constipated? Does the cat eat only dry food or does he/she also eat wet food? I read somewhere that canned unsweetened pumpkin may help.

Pet store also have a gel that I use to give my cats when they had such a problem. One cat I had to dab it onto her paw as she wouldn't lick it off my finger. The dab worked as she had to lick it off the top of her paw, occasionally she would fling it onto the wall.

My hubby's son's cat had this happen. He was constipated and the Vet also found he was starting to have age related kidney issues. Special diet food has been helpful, and he's back to his old self.

My cats sick, 😢, would eat this am, and then threw up, been laying on the back of the couch all day.

Golden, I haven't adjusted my sleep to the new time change as I can't figure out how to change the clock in the cat, sigh. He's still in the old time zone =^..^=

Bad cat behaviour here. Couple of nights ago, between post nasal drip and Rocky pouncing in me several times, I didn't get much sleep - and I need it!!!

So I have banished her from the bedroom. She has a second litter box in the storage room and a second water bowl so she should be ok and I will definitely be more OK!


🥰 The word “homeowner” has the word “meow” in it. Good luck pronouncing correctly ever again.


I have OCD.
Obsessive Cat Disorder

🙂 I googled my symptoms, turns out I just need to pet my cat.

((((((hugs)))) Gershun

Thx everyone for your kind thoughts about my sweet kitty.

He was unique. Just like his brother who passed 3 yrs. ago. I always used to say "He's an all around great little guy" Sure was.

So sorry for your Henrick.
I know it is a terrible loss.

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