Would like some suggestions of recipes , recipe books that have easy and fast meals . Am always looking for short cuts to making caregiving a little lighter. Yeah, healthy is good as I need to start watching the waist line shrink. My waistline, that is! lol. If you have come across some tasty tried and true recipes feel free to share them.
Gerber Toddler Meals - about $2.00 (Walmart, Target) It is like a TV Dinner for folks without a lot of teeth. Delicious too. And a wide variety of choices, each meal with a protein (chicken, beef or turkey), a starch (potatoes or rice), and a green or orange vegetable (carrots, peas or green beans). Stores on the shelf. 30 seconds in the microwave. Gerber also makes 'Pasta pickUps" little spinach or cheese or beef raviolis that Mom loves to eat. I trusted gerber with my babies so its OK for Mom.
To this I add:
--A 2nd veggie. I buy the corn, carrots, green beans and peas in their own little container and nuke for 20 seconds. Rup, drain and serve.
--Two fruits. Same thing. Serving size rip, drain and serve pineapple, peaches, pears, mixed fruit, applesauce. I also serve a fresh banana when I can get good ones.
--Dairy. Rice pudding or tapioca or any of the wonderful vanilla puddings and fruit puddings inthe dairy case. No chocolate or jello - both are too messy and jello gets everywhere! Also cottage cheese (all these are single servings) and Mom loves the simple "Dora the Explorer" flavored yogurt.
--She also loves cheese sandwiches and jelly sandwiches on plain whilte bread.
--I also give her a slice of sweet potato pie now and then, or a baked sweet potato, or scrambled eggs.
Beverage? After lots of hit and miss on this its just water, or watered down apple juice.
These "convenience" foods do add extra to my budget, but they are so simple, and healthy and she has never complained or had stomach issues. And its ojne less thing I have to worry about so its worth it. And its a piece of cake when i have the occassional paid helper come in. Mom usually eats a large tray filled with an assortment of these foods around 11 and 6 everyday. (She was not eating well on a 3X a day schedule). And she has not only gained a few pounds, her blood pressure is MUCH better than mine.
Two things my mother likes and that seem like treats when I bring them to her are devilled eggs (very inexpensive and nutritous, but who ever makes them except for parties?) and shrimp cocktail (more expensive but super easy and so festive).
Ma gets meals on wheels and we also bring the devilled eggs and shrimp and frozen individual servings of vegetales, etc. so I know sweets are the only thing she eats, but without them I doubt she keep her weight stable.
Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” - Much food nowadays is not nutrient dense - poor soils and processing and also are high in additives, preservatives and so on. This does no benefit us.
However a number of us survive quite well despite this. Nonetheless that there is an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and heart disease on this continent cannot be denied and the latest research attributes that to carbohydrates (sugar etc) not fats as has been thought. . There are people in their 90s who smoke and do not have lung disease. That does not say smoking is not harmful in general. I am not saying low carb is for everyone - not at all.
Moderation is all things, especially moderation..
Anyway, I digress and Inservice asked for recipes. Gosh for main dishes I don't use them any more for most things. If I need some info I look on the internet for ideas.
I hope if I make it to 90 some do-gooder won't try to stuff me with whole wheat and tofu. :) Pass the chocolate pie, please.
Here's a "recipe" we like, especially when nothing seems to appeal: ice cream, milk, Carnation Instant Breakfast zizzed in a blender to make a milkshake. Sometimes I add a banana and peanut butter and chocolate sauce (for Presley special), sometimes canned peaches, fresh strawberries, or other soft fruits I have on hand. Even without the add-ins this provides nutrition and calories when hubby just doesn't feel like eating.
If she is having trouble swallowing or chewing, there isn't anything that can't be put in a blender, unless of course it has bones..lol.. I just typed soft food/meals into my browser and you would be surprised the number of sites that came up.. spaghetti in a blender might look gross, but it can be done and is eatable.
Trying to keep weight on mom, I used ensure they have one for gaining/maintaining weight, the carnation breakfast.. kept little puddings, jello's, ice cream, fruit cups, etc.. for her.. some days, the little puddings were all that I could give her she'd keep down. She loved her ensure mixed half and half, half chocolate, and have vanilla..
At 81, and we knew she was dying of cancer, who cared what she ate? as long as she ate something.. We try our best to provide healthy meals for our charges, but sometimes at their ages, why not just let them have what they want to have.
If I make it to 81, I want a 10 pound box of chocolates next to my bed, and if it gets down to 1 pound, want another 10 waiting in the wings..rofl..
Cookbook: "Vegetarian Pleasures: Main Course" by Jeanne Lemlin.