
my mom is 51, and mentally ill. She's on social security for disability, and also receiving my father's social security, and has received his life insurance policy. up until now, she's been in sort of a half-way house. living with a woman and her family who takes care of a few patients at a time. Now that she's received this money, she wants to go out and get an apartment of her own. Well, the problem is she's not supposed to be living on her own, so my sister and I are looking into Assisted Living or Independent living centers for her... HOWEVER, I don't, and I know that she doesn't, want her to be stuck somewhere that's like a nursing home. She lives in Newburgh, NY right now so we're trying to find a place close to there as she knows that area very well.


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Most assisted living centers aren't like nursing homes. They provide group settings so meals are available (sometimes just the main meal), and activities are there to choose from. There is a good social mix which could be good for your mom. They don't generally provide nursing services or personal care except for emergency things such as a fall (they generally have an alarm).

You can check and/or and see if there is something in the area. You can use your browser to look, as well.

Some assisted living homes are small -not that much bigger than a group home. Others are large complexes. I hope she can find something suitable.


I have an aunt and uncle who live in assisted living facility, they eat in a main dining room, can come and go as they please, it has a small area to cook. she can have friends in and its like a small apt only they have cleaning staff no maintenance will she have to deal with, if you can afford one thats the way to go wish I could. Good luck

I agree with the above two commentors. Assisted living facilities are not like nursing homes. They are set up differently..Your mother will have her own space and privacy.

Hope it works out!

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